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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My Biggest Mistake

Voted for Bush in 2000

A Response to Stephen Walt's Blog Entry My biggest mistake -- in 2008 I voted for Obama and hope for better results

I met George W. Bush a few times while he was at the Harvard Business School and made the forecast in 2000 that he would be more entertaining as president than Al Gore. I was thinking of a light comedy, but we seem to have gotten a Texas chainsaw massacre instead. In some sense, my wish was granted.

Professor Walt has quite reasonably told me that he is not going to learn Yiddish at this late date and has thereby provided me with a way to make amends for my choice in the 2000 presidential election.

Foreign policy analysts make serious mistakes today

  • because they simply do not know enough about Jewish history and politics or
  • because they are in denial about the existence of a Jewish virtual state entity
    1. that began its consolidation in the late 19th century,
    2. that today has an effective GDP of $2-3 trillion (i.e, economically bigger than France of the UK),
    3. that runs a vast colonial empire with a settler colony and many neocolonial revenue streams,
    4. that has rendered the USA a dependent and intimidated client state, and
    5. that is the major player in ME politics.

I have put together my blog for Ethnic Ashkenazim Against Zionist Israel to help non-specialists with Jewish history. In addition, at the end of my second comment on More Analogies, I discuss my hypothesis about the true nature of the Israel Lobby and provide some hyperlinks. I believe my approach can help historians, political scientists and policy analysts understand the effects of Zionism in the ME, the USA and throughout the world.

In general we need to think of the problem of Zionism in a less compartmentalized fashion as I try in In Re: Partition Still Casts Shadow On India-Pakistan Ties.

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