Feeding Americans a diet of ignorance, fabrication and falsification
Here is the link to MEMRI: http://www.memri.org/bin/opener_latest.cgi?ID=SD157707
Here is the critical section
Here is the link to MEMRI: http://www.memri.org/bin/opener_latest.cgi?ID=SD157707
Here is the critical section
سنابل: بطخّونا اليهود.
Sanabel: Betokhoonaa-l yahood.
Sanabel: The Jews will shoot us.
MEMRI: We will annihilate the Jews.
MEMRI made the mistake because Sanabel is speaking colloquial Palestinian, whose prefixes for the present/future tense differ from those in standard newspaper Arabic.
We (will) shoot the Jews in colloquial Palestinian is mnetokh-el yahood.
We (will) shoot the Jews with prefixes from standard newspaper Arabic is netokhu-l yahood. (Colloquially, I believe that would sound more like subjunctive.)
The Jews (will) shoot us in colloquial Palestinian is betokhoonaa-l yahood.
The Jews (will) shoot us with prefixes from standard newspaper Arabic is yetokhunaa-l yahood.
(I think it would sound weird, but I am not a good judge of natural-sounding Arabic.)
Because it really is not possible to confuse the forms if one has any genuine experience in speaking colloquially and interacting with Palestinians either within the pre-1967 borders or in the Occupied Territories, the MEMRI translation is yet another example of the diet of ignorance, fabrication and falsification that Israeli Zionists and their American Hilfswillige (helpers) feed both to the American public and also to themselves.
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We (will) shoot the Jews in colloquial Palestinian is mnetokh-el yahood.
We (will) shoot the Jews with prefixes from standard newspaper Arabic is netokhu-l yahood. (Colloquially, I believe that would sound more like subjunctive.)
The Jews (will) shoot us in colloquial Palestinian is betokhoonaa-l yahood.
The Jews (will) shoot us with prefixes from standard newspaper Arabic is yetokhunaa-l yahood.
(I think it would sound weird, but I am not a good judge of natural-sounding Arabic.)
Because it really is not possible to confuse the forms if one has any genuine experience in speaking colloquially and interacting with Palestinians either within the pre-1967 borders or in the Occupied Territories, the MEMRI translation is yet another example of the diet of ignorance, fabrication and falsification that Israeli Zionists and their American Hilfswillige (helpers) feed both to the American public and also to themselves.