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Friday, May 30, 2008

Honoring Wisse, Insulting Walt

Dog Doodoo as Harvard Scholarship
by Joachim Martillo (

In Faculty of Arts and Sciences Names Walter Channing Cabot Fellows the Harvard Gazette reports a flagrant conflation of propaganda and incompetence with scholarship:
The history of the Jewish people encompasses thousands of years, many divergent traditions, and a broad geography. Ruth Wisse, Martin Peretz Professor of Yiddish Literature, professor of comparative literature, and Harvard College Professor, explores Jewish history through a political lens in her book "Jews and Power" (Random House, 2007). Wisse received a Cabot Fellowship for this study, which explores the politics of Jewry across the centuries, from the Roman era to medieval Spain, through World War II and on to today.
Hebrew University Jewish Studies Professor Jeremiah Haber discussed Jews and Power in The Magnes Zionist: Tough Jewess -- Wisse's "Jews and Power". He points out:
... "Jews and Power" is a tendentious mix of personal biography, Zionist historiography, and cherry-picking of Jewish literature and history,in the grand tradition of Zionist polemics. Somewhere halfway through the book, Wisse completely loses the train of her argument about power and just provides a ZOA-approved guide to the establishment of the State of Israel through the Oslo accords, the sort of thing that Netanyahu, Dershowitz, and Bard could do in their sleep.
Wisse repeats uncritically the narrative of "Exile and Return" that has been debunked time and time again by serious scholars; she manages to get around to David Biale's "beguilingly contrarian" thesis of Jewish power and powerlessness, which is a direct challenge to her book, on p. 174, ten pages before its conclusion. She does not give Biale's book any serious attention; on the contrary, she seems to think that his point is that Jews in the diaspora glorified powerlessness, whereas Biale showed that the Jewish experience in political power had not ended as good for the Jews as the Zionist historiography pretended.
Professor Haber is offended by
the mind-numbing shallowness of the book -- as if a professor, any professor, can write a short book on Jewish power and powerlessness that takes in (I quote from the jacket) "everything from the Kingdom of David to the Oslo Accords." When Baer wrote his work on Galut, for all of its Zionist tendentiousness and superficiality, at least he had some grip on Jewish history.
I report in Wisse Kokht Kugl mit Khazershmaltz! that she bases the key idea of her book on an outrageous misunderstanding of Yiddish idiom.

I wonder what Harvard Kennedy School of Government Professor Stephen Walt thinks about the award. It seems like an insult because unlike Wisse, who appears to have written her book off the top of her head with no research, Walt made a serious effort to learn how the official American Jewish community functions.

I can quibble about my disagreements with him, but The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy straddles history, sociology, practical political science and policy analysis. It provided many new insights and opened up a discussion that had been almost completely blocked. By the terms of the award, Walt should have received it.

[Please note that Jeremiah Haber is a pseudonym. He writes in his profile:
Israel and Censortship at Harvard by J. Lorand Matory discusses Wisse's mindset. Because bigots like Wisse are so common in Jewish Studies, Haber probably simplifies his life tremendously by maintaining a separate web identity.]

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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Charter for Education or Indoctrination?

Bringing Racism to Public Schools
by Joachim Martillo (

Under the aegis of the Steinhardt Foundation for Jewish Life, Mega-philanthropist and former hedge fund manager Michael Steinhardt and others plan to back The Hebrew Language Academy Charter School, which is to be opened in the Sheepshead Bay section of Brooklyn.

Steinhardt's daughter Sara Berman will be the charter applicant of record. She is a journalist with the NY Sun, in which Steinhardt is a major investor and which took a strong stance against the Khalil Gibran International Academy and its founding principal Debbi Almontaser.

The following three articles discuss the proposed charter school:
Steinhardt is one of the initial funders of the Birthright Israel Program and has worked with other Jewish mega-philanthropists to strengthen a Jewish Zionist identity among American Jews.

"Thomas W. Carroll [who] played a key role in the adoption of New York's charter-school law [and who] is now president of the Albany-based Foundation for Education Reform & Accountability" writes in the NY Post:
The school would cover the core academic subjects, but be the first New York charter school to also offer Hebrew-language instruction. (A few regular New York public schools offer Hebrew as a foreign-language elective.) It would also teach about Jewish culture and history and modern Israeli society.

That approach is similar to that of the Hellenic Charter School in Brooklyn, which pairs instruction in classical Greek and Latin with classes in Greek culture and history. Other language/culture charter schools in New York include Amber Charter School in Washington Heights and the Eugenio Maria de Hostos Charter School in Rochester, which both feature instruction in Spanish and in Hispanic cultures.
The Forward reports:
According to Steinhardt's daughter, Sara Berman, a trustee for the foundation and the lead applicant in the effort, the school's curriculum would incorporate Hebrew-language instruction, as well as classes that cover Jewish culture and history and modern Israeli society.
The Forward adds:

Over the past year, [Steinhardt] had talked up the possibility of Hebrew charter schools as a new and cheaper way to strengthen Jewish communal identity.

"What if we unrolled a nationwide system of Jewish charter schools focusing on Jewish elements, not on religious studies, which appeals only to a minority of Jews anyway, but on the elements of Jewish culture that make us strong?"
The Forward notes:

The legal requirement that public schools steer clear of religion has required charter school backers to walk a delicate line in talking up their merits in promoting Jewish identity.
The subtitle in the NY Jewish Week proclaims:
Not for Jews only: Jewish identity, Zionism not part of proposed Sheepshead Bay grade school.
Berman explains in the NY Jewish Week that there is an association between the State of Israel and teaching Hebrew.
"If you're studying French, you will learn about going to the boulangerie to pick up a baguette.You'll imagine yourself in Paris. Here, you'll learn there is a place called Israel. And this is what secular life is like there."
The NY Jewish Week notes:
[Muslim activist Adem] Carroll ... wondered aloud about what connection, if any, the school would have to the government of Israel. He noted that when Khalil Gibran started up, detractors voiced fear that "a Palestinian narrative would find its way into the curriculum."
The NY Jewish Week also informs:
Steinhardt [feels that] Russian Jews would seem a natural constituency for the new school he is backing.
Steinhardt and his daughter are being completely dishonest. The Hebrew Language Academy Charter School is not a secular non-racial school teaching Hebrew. The unstated intent is the indoctrination of a Zionist Jewish identity, for the school does not teach secular Israeli culture. It teaches secular Israeli Jewish culture.

If the school were truly teaching students about secular Israeli culture, it would give equal time to secular Arabic culture. Even though the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics (probably incorrectly) indicates that only 20% of the Israeli citizen population is Arabic, at least 40% of the people under the control of the Israeli government are Arabic. To ignore their secular culture is to teach racism and is totally inconsistent with the mission of the NY City public school system. Giving proper attention to Arabic secular culture means giving equal time to the teaching of Arabic.

Steinhardt is using his wealth to create facilities, whose quality will seduce Russian and Israeli Jewish immigrant parents with no interest in Israeli Jewish culture to put their children into a program that will inculcate a Hebrew Jewish Zionist identity despite parental wishes by means of carefully crafted textbooks that are produced in the USA.

The sneakiness of Steinhardt's plan is clear to anyone that has lived among Russian Jews. They are openly contemptuous of Israeli Hebrew culture and almost invariably want to maintain their Russian language culture.  Steinhardt is simply offering the parents a big bribe for the opportunity to Hebraicize and Zionize their children to Israeli Jewish racial prejudices and concepts.

Every aspect of the Hebrew Language Academy Charter School is despicable.

If Steinhardt and Berman really wanted to created an Hebrew language school tied into secular Israeli culture, they would have used the Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam bicultural model.

If they really wanted to create a school for Russian Jews, the charter school would have focused on Russian langauge and culture.

In his novel Absurdistan Russian American Jewish author Gary Shteyngart gives a sense of Russian Jewish attitudes toward Jewish "heritage." As a minister in the revolutionary Absurdistan government, Misha Vainberg, son of a recently assassinated Russian Jewish mafioso, develops a program to gain the love of the world (pp. 266-272).
It was time to take action. It was time to "talk to Israel."

And then a modern miracle happened. Nanabragov's men finally installed a high-speed Internet connection in my office. I whipped out my laptop, jammed its little dickey into a wall socket, and powered up the World Wide Web.

Reems of information eagerly floated onto my screen. Several dull websites demonstrated rather clearly what a grant proposal looked like. Ilearned about the soul-searching expeditions of contemporary American Jews from the banks of Poland's Vistula River to the extinguished shtetls of Bessarabia. I learned about the average American Jew's curious if misplaced interest in something called "kabbalah." As for the Holocaust, few genocides were better documented. I drank some coffee, touched myself, and began my duties as the Minister of Multicultural Affairs.

A Modest Proposal

Project Name

The Institute for Caspian Holocaust Studies, aka the Museum of Sevo-Jewish Friendship.

Project Overview
The greatest danger facing American Jewry is our people's eventual assimilation into the welcoming American fold and our subsequent extinction as an organized community. Due to the overabundance of presentable non-Jewish partners in a country as tantalizingly diverse and half-naked as America, it is becoming difficult if not impossible to convince young Jews to engage in reproductive sex with each other. Efforts to connect Jews of reproductive age through professional social networks and alcohol-fueled "meat markets" have had limited success. Israel, once a source of pride and inspiration, is now populated largely by an aggressive Middle-Eastern people whose bizarre lifestyle is thoroughly incompatible with our own (cf. Greenblatt, Roger, "Why Does Humus Leave a Bitter Taste in My Mouth?" "Annals of Modern Jewry," Indiana University Press). It is time to turn to the most effective, time-tested, and target-specific arrow in our quiver — The Holocaust.
Even among the most thoroughly secular and unaffiliated young Jews, the Holocaust enjoys great name recognition. When asked to identify the following eight components central to Jewish identity —Torah, Mishna, Talmud, Holocaust, Mikvah, Whitefish, Israel, Kabbalah — only Whitefish scored higher than the Holocaust in a survey of thirty drunk Jews at a nightclub in suburban Maryland (cf. Greenblatt, Roger, "Oy! What a Feeling, I'm Jewish," "Annals of Modern Jewry," Indiana University Press). The Holocaust, when harnessed properly as a source of guilt, shame, and victimhood, can serve as a remarkable tool for Jewish Continuity. The problem is the over-saturation of the Holocaust brand in media and academe, creating the need for a fresh, vibrant, and sexy (yes, sexy — let's keep our eyes on the prize) approach to the mother of all genocides.
The newly independent Sevo Republic, run under the democratic and Israel-friendly auspices of the State Committee for the Restoration of Order and Democracy (SCROD), is a small but attractive nation-state on the shores of the beautiful Caspian Sea. The history of Sevo-Jewish friendship runs as deep as the waters of the Caspian. Both are educated, entrepreneurial, and maligned people fighting with their much larger oxlike neighbors for their share of love, recognition, and adequate living space. In 1943, as Hitler's Operation Barbarossa thundered toward the peaceful oil reserves of the Caspian, the Sevo populace began a voluntary campaign to transport the native Jewish population out of the republic and toward safety in Stalin's Siberia. Today the country remains easily the most Jew-tolerant place on earth outside of Brookline, Massachusetts. This philo-Semitism, combined with an exotic location, the chance to enjoy the hospitality of a righteous people (finally an entire nation of tzadikim), and the opportunities of a temperate, beach-filled landscape most reminiscent of Cancún, Mexico (only cheaper, much cheaper), creates the perfect environment for an education-based initiative that is a world apart from the hackneyed death marches of Auschwitz-Birkenau and Yad Vashem.


A Striking Architectural Design

Some of the world's most remarkable recent architecture has been built in commemoration of the Holocaust, but much of it is too abstract and cerebral to inspire immediate Continuity in the loins of a frigid Jewish woman in her thirties. The Institute for Caspian Holocaust Studies will take the shape of a giant broken matzoh, in reference to the tragedy that befell our people and as a reminder of the Passover meal, which, among all the traumas of a Jewish upbringing, consistently rates as the "least scarring" (cf. Greenblatt, Roger, "Why on This Night of All Nights Do I Take Only One Milligram of Lorazepam?," "Annals of Modern Jewry," Indiana University Press). The main exhibition space of the broken matzoh will lead to a titanium-clad lamb shank (hint: Frank Gehry) symbolizing both the forearm of the Almighty and our own newly found brute strength.

The New Tribalism

Identity politics are a great boon to our quest for Continuity. Identity is born almost exclusively out of a nation's travails. For us — a prosperous, unmolested people safely nuzzled in the arms of the word's last superpower (as of this writing, anyway) — this means Holocaust, Holocaust, Holocaust. The twin halves of broken matzoh will be infused with the spirit of the New Tribalism that is captivating young people across the Western world as an angry response to global homogenization. The first half will show the past travails of the Jewish people (a parallel series of walk-in closets will do the same for the Sevo), and the second half will show how easily we forget how much they hate us (ditto, Sevo). To be a bit reductive: first half, unpronounceable — Kristallnacht, Kindertransport, Kraków ghetto, Chernowitz, Wadowice, Drohobycz; second half, guilt inducing — towering videos of Jewish college boys at fraternity mixers hitting up demure Korean girls, while pretty suburban Jewish maideleh fetishize their urbanized African-American counterparts at a Smith Barney softball game. Subtext: six million died and you're twirling around a bar stool with some hazzar?

Holocaust for Kidz

Studies have shown that it's never too early to frighten a child with images of skeletal remains and naked women being chased by dogs across the Polish snow. Holocaust for Kidz will deliver a carefully tailored miasma of fear, rage, impotence, and guilt in children as young as ten. Through the magic of Animatronics, Claymation and Jurassic technology, the inane ramblings of underqualified American Hebrew day schools teachers on the subject of the Holocaust will be condensed into a concise forty-minute bloodbath. Young participants will leave feeling alienated and profoundly depressed, feelings that will be partly redeemed and partly thwarted by the ice-cream truck awaiting them at the end of the exhibit.

The "Think It Can't Happen Again?" Annex

Yeah, you think so? Well, think again, friend. This daring conceptual space will feature dozens of French Arab youths throwing rocks at passing museumgoers, threatening, "six million more," while passive French intellectuals stand by in the shadows, smoking and drinking, smoking and drinking. For safety reasons, the "rocks" will be made of 100 percent recyclable paper and the French Arab youths will be caged.

The Titanium-Clad Lamb Shank

We end the museum on a high note, celebrating the achievements of cutting-edge American Jews through life-affirming exhibits such as "David Copperfield: The Myth and the Magic" and "Onwards and Sideward: The Death of Literature and the Birth of the Sitcom." A room or two can be devoted to Israeli cultural achievements. Or not.

The Tent of Consent

This is where it all comes together, where Continuity gets its capital "C." Upon entering the Tent of Consent and submitting a blood sample and credit check, Jews of reproductive age (thirty-four to fifty-one) will show Hitler and his goons just where they can stick their Final Solution. Here, the word "no" is not an option. Here there is no diaphragm. Note: Tent should be rugged and green to denote summertime reproduction. No circus tents! This is serious business.

And Now a Word From Our Sponsor…

As an opportunity to reach out to the true hellmouth of American political power, evangelical Christians will be given their own (much smaller) tent from which they can proselytize to reproductive Jews emerging all sweaty and wobbly from the Tent of Consent. We estimate only 1 to 2 percent of our most expendable stock will actually fall for this crude goyishe siren song. A small price to pay, and our lobbyists will thank us.

Outcomes — First Year of Operation
  1. Two hundred thousand Jews will sow an additional one hundred thousand Jews on the shores of the Caspian Sea.
  2. Two to four thousand lackluster Jews will become born-again Mormons (or whatever the hell) and will stop pulling the rest of us down.
  3. Twenty thousand Jewish children will learn that it's somehow their fault.

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Nuremberg Law and Hollywood Films

Senator Webb Proposed Obama VP
by Joachim Martillo (

Why Have the Dogs Stopped Eating Their Neocon Dogfood?  by Philip Weiss provides some careful analysis of Adam Kirsch's recent New York Sun article entitled The View from Parnassos.

Weiss focused on the implicit admission that Jewish money in the form of political contributions and think tank funding has insulated the US political consensus from increasing disenchantment with Zionism, the State of Israel, and the Jewish Zionist economic political elite.

In contrast, literary intellectual Zionists are beginning to feel mighty lonely, and their increasing isolation may engender some of the less rational sorts of comments that Jews like Ruth Wisse, Anita Diamant, and Nadine Gordimer make.

Because I had watched the full version of the German Nazi film version of Jud Süss in a graduate course at Harvard, Kirsch's offhand comment about the Nuremberg prosecution of Veit Harlan for directing that movie makes me think a discussion of the commission of crimes against humanity by Hollywood directors and screenwriters would be timely.

When I first saw Rules of Engagement directed by Friedkin and written by Senator Jim Webb, I said to myself, "Wow, this film topped Jud Süss in inciting racial hatred."

Shindler's List directed by Spielberg and The Spartan directed by Mamet are more subtle but equally evil in incitement of genocide or hatred.*

Certain types of racial incitement seem to crimes except when perpetrated by Jews against Arabs.

Two good articles on the Arab-baiting in Rules of Engagement are:
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Ongoing Attempts to Control Discourse

Even though incitement against former Khalil Gibran International Academy Principal Debby Almontaser and Columbia Professor Nadia Abu el-Haj received national coverage and not simply local New York coverage, no one on the panel seems qualified to discuss the Jewish contribution to America's contemporary culture of anti-Arab and anti-Muslim hatred.

The event seems designed to distract from Jewish extremism, fanaticism and bigotry, which together probably constitute the greatest threat to the USA today.

Blog Entries Referring to Debbie Almontaser

Conspiracy Against Rights in NYC
Less Blatant Thought Control
Joe Klein, Thomas Smith, Virginia Heffernan
Judonia Rising: The Israel Lobby and American Society
Natalie Portman's Genocidal Racism and Utter Hypocrisy
Hebrew, Arabic Schools Seen Stretching Boundaries
It's Not Only About Palestine
Neuwirth loses lawsuit against Silverstein

Blog Entries Referring to Nadia Abu el-Haj

Jacob Lassner and Nadia Abu el Haj
Nadia Abu el Haj and the Truth about the Wizard of Oz
Nadia Abu el Haj and Yael Zerubavel
Tenure Wars
Zionism, Penisism, and Joseph Massad
Making sure Americans hear only one story
Boycotts and Priniples of Academia
"Jews and Power" versus "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy"
Zionist attack on Pluto Press
Jewish Dominance Ohio, Subversion KSG
Is Kevin MacDonald a Racialist?
Yom Kippur and Ashkenazi Genocidalism
Gary Rosenblatt: Noah Feldman and the Confrontation of American with Jewish or Zionist Values
Biblical Archaeology versus Arthurian Archaeology
Subjugating American Muslims to Israel
Said, Abowd, Kovel, Elahi Attacked
Fight Zionist Thought Control
Ahmadinejad, Columbia Faculty Politics, Martin Peretz, Islamic Fascism
The Holocaust and "Getting Off" on Abusing Palestinians
Jewish, Christian, and Palestinian Holidays
It's Not Only About Palestine
Less Blatant Thought Control
Jewish, Zionist War Against Salvation
Feb. 11, Harvard: Joseph Massad
Zionist Control: Sovereign Wealth Funds?
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Shock Doctrine: Klein Discusses Hezbollah

Some Insight into Hariri Assassination?

It is too bad that Naomi Klein is so circumspect with regard to Israeli issues when she is so willing to reject US common wisdom about Lebanon.

From The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, pp 489-492:

A striking example of growing resistance [to Friedmanite Neoliberal shock therapy] is the response of millions of Lebanese to attempts by international lenders to impose free-market "reforms" as a condition of reconstruction aid after the Israeli attacks in 2006. By all rights, that scheme should have worked: the country could not have been more desperate for funds. Even before the war, Lebanon had one of the heaviest debts in the world, while the new losses from attacks on roads, bridges and airport runways were estimated at $9 billion. So when delegates from thirty wealthy nations got together in Paris in January 2007 to pledge $7.6 billion in reconstruction loans and grants, they naturally assumed that Lebanon's government would accept whatever strings they attached to the aid. The conditions were the usual ones: phone and electricity privatizations, price increases on fuel, cuts to the public service and an increase to an already controversial tax on consumer purchases. Kamal Hamdan, a Lebanese economist, estimated that, as a result, "household bills [would] increase by 15 percent because of increased taxes and adjusted prices" -- a classic peace penalty. As for the reconstruction itself, the jobs would of course go to the giants of disaster capitalism, with no requirement to hire or subcontract locally.

The U.S. secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, was questioned about whether such sweeping demands constituted foreign interference in Lebanon's affairs. She replied, "Lebanon is a democracy. That said, Lebanon is also undertaking some important economic reforms that are critical to making any of this work." Fouad Siniora, Lebanon's prime minister, backed by the West, easily agreed to the terms, shrugging and saying that "Lebanon did not invent privatization." Further demonstrating his willingness to play ball, he hired the Bush-connected surveillance giant Booz Allen Hamilton to broker Lebanon's telecom privatization.

Many Lebanese citizens, however, were distinctly less cooperative. Despite the fact that a lot of their homes still lay in ruins, thousands participated in a general strike, organized by a coalition of unions and political parties, including the Islamist party Hezbollah. The demonstrators insisted that if receiving reconstruction funds meant raising the cost of living for a war-ravaged people, it hardly deserved to be called aid. So while Siniora was reassuring donors in Paris, strikes and road blockades brought the country to a halt -- the first national revolt specifically targeting postwar disaster capitalism. Demonstrators also staged a sit-in, which went on for two months, turning downtown Beirut into a cross between a tent city and a street carnival. Most reporters characterized these events as shows of strength by Hezbollah, but Mohamad Bazzi, the Middle East bureau chief for New York's Newsday, said that this interpretation missed their true significance: "The biggest motivator driving many of those camped out in downtown isn't Iran or Syria, or Sunni versus Shiite. It's the economic inequality that has haunted Lebanese Shiites for decades. It's a poor and working-class people's revolt."

The location of the sit-in provided the most eloquent explanation for why Lebanon was proving so shock resistant. The protest was in the part of downtown Beirut that residents refer to as Solidere, after the private development company that built and owns almost everything in its confines. Solidere is the result of Lebanon's last reconstruction effort. In the early nineties, after the fifteen-year civil war, the country was shattered and the state was in debt, with no money to rebuild. The billionaire businessman (and later prime minister) Rafiq Hariri made a proposal: give him the land rights to the entire downtown core and let him and his new real estate company, Solidere, turn it into the "Singapore of the Middle East." Hariri, who was killed in a care bombing in February 2005, bulldozed almost all the standing structures, turning the city into a blank slate. Marinas, luxurious condominiums (some with elevators for limousines) and lavish shopping malls replaced the ancient souks. Almost everything the business district -- buildings, plazas, security forces -- is owned by Solidere.

To the outside world, Solidere was the shining symbol of Lebanon's post-war rebirth, but for many Lebanese it had always been a kind of holograph. Outside the ultramodern downtown core, much of Beirut lacked basis infrastructure, from electricity to public transit, and the bullet holes inflicted during the civil war were never repaired on the facades of many buildings. It was in those neglected slums surrounding the gleaming center that Hezbollah built its loyal base, rigging up generators and transmitters, organizing trash removal, providing security -- becoming the vilified "state within a state." When the residents of the run-down suburbs ventured into the Solidere enclave, they were often thrown out by Hariri's private security guards; their presence frightened the tourists.

Raida Hatoum, a social justice activist in Beirut, told me that when Solidere began its reconstruction, "people were so happy the war was over and the streets were being rebuild. By the time we became aware that the streets had been sold, that they were privately owned, it was too late. We didn't know that the money was a loan and we'd have to pay it back later." That rude awakening of finding out that the least advantaged people had been stuck with the bill for a makeover that benefited only a small elite has made the Lebanese experts in the mechanics of disaster capitalism. It is this experience that helped keep the country oriented and organized after the 2006 war. By choosing to hold their mass sit-in inside the Solidere bubble, with Palestinian refugees camped outside the Virgin megastore and high-end latte joints ("If I ate a sandwich here, I'd be broke for a week," one protester remarked), the demonstrators were sending a clear message. They did not want another reconstruction of Solidere-style bubbles and rotting suburbs -- of fortressed green zones and raging red zones -- but a reconstruction for the entire country. "How can we still accept this government that steals?" one demonstrator asked. "This government that built this downtown and accumulated this huge debt? Who's going to pay for it? I have to pay for it, and my son is going to pay for it after me."

Lebanon's shock resistance went beyond protest. It was also expressed through a far-reaching parallel reconstruction effort. Within days of the cease-fire, Hezbollah's neighborhood committees had visited many of the homes hit by the air attacks, assessed the damage and were already handing out $12,000 in cash to displace families to cover a year's worth of rent and furnishings. As the independent journalists Ana Nogueira and Saseen Kawzally observed from Beirut, "That is six times the dollar amount that survivors of Hurricane Katrina received from FEMA." And in what would have been music to the ears of Katrina survivors, the Hezbollah leader, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, promised the country in a televised address, "You won't need to ask a favor of anyone, queue up anywhere." Hezbollah's version of aid did not filter through the government or foreign NGOs. It did not go to build five-star hotels, as in Kabul or Olympic swimming pools for police trainers, as in Iraq. Instead, Hezbollah did what Renuka, the Sri Lankan tsunami survivor, told me she wished someone would do for her family: put the help in their hands. Hezbollah also included community members in the reconstruction -- it hired local construction crews (working in exchange for the scrap metal they collected), mobilized fifteen hundred engineers and organized teams of volunteers. All that help meant that a week after the bombing stopped, the reconstruction was already well under way.

In the U.S. press, these initiatives were almost universally derided as bribery or clientelism -- Hezbollah's attempt to purchase popular support after it had provoked the attack from which the country was reeling (David Frum even suggested that the bills Hezbollah was handing out were counterfeit). There is no question that Hezbollah is engaged in politics as well as charity, and that Iranian funds made Hezbollah's generosity possible. Equally important to its efficiency, however, was Hezbollah's status as a local, indigenous organization, one that rose up from the neighborhoods being rebuilt. Unlike the alien corporate reconstruction agencies imposing their designs from far-off bureaucracies via imported management, private security and translators, Hezbollah could act fast because it knew every back alley and every jury-rigged transmitter, as well as who could be trusted to get the work done. If the residents of Lebanon were grateful for the results, it was because they knew the alternative. The alternative was Solidere.
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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Honor Killing in Iraq?

Reporting Arabs versus Reporting Jews
by Joachim Martillo (
The killing of Rand Abdel-Qader received tremendous coverage in the world press.
The world press reported an honor killing. Yet I have read all sorts of stories about women murdered or otherwise punished during or immediately after WW2 for consorting with German occupation soldiers.
The USA incinerated Iraq for no reason, and the UK helped make it possible.
Is it surprising that many Iraqis would become angry enough to kill someone consorting with a soldier of the occupation? The coverage of the story is playing up the cultural and religious aspect of the story while for all intents and purposes it ignores the political context.
Contrast this treatment with the Avi Kostner story: Avi Kostner News - The New York Times - Narrowed by 'KOSTNER, RYAN'.
Kostner was motivated at least in part by anger that his ex-wife intended to raise his children as Christians and not as Jews. It took the NY Times three years to mention this critical factor in the murder even though Rabbi Feldman circumspectly alluded to the religious issue in the June 29, 1994 report (Parents of Slain Children Had Bitter Disputes in Court).
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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Art, Politics, Reason for Dispossession

Jewish Situational Ethics

Dear Editor:

White Jewish writer Anita Diamant reports in Art and politics, and a voice of reason (May 27, 2008) that white Jewish writer Nadine Gordimer asserted in a marquee discussion with white Jewish writer Amos Oz that Israel is not practicing apartheid against Palestinians
  • even though Israeli politicians routinely advocate a policy (hafradah) that is the literal translation of apartheid from Afrikaans into Hebrew,
  • even though every South African black anti-apartheid activist assessing the situation (matsav) has described Israeli policy as at least as atrocious as apartheid, and
  • even though every Palestinian leader knowledgeable about apartheid has viewed the black experience in South Africa as the mirror image of Palestinian suffering under Zionist rule.
Does the rationalism for Israeli treatment of Palestinians really make a difference?

Jim Crow was the obvious American counterpart of apartheid even though white Americans had no claim of greater historical rights than black Americans.

Would the Boston Globe have provided op-ed space to a German racist to justify the Nuremberg Laws on historical claims that German Jews constituted an alien non-European immigrant population in German territories?

Gordimer is hardly the first Jewish anti-Arab anti-Muslim racist expecting a pass for Zionist crimes because Jews have worked on behalf of black civil rights. Such hypocrisy and pandering have no place in the Globe, but readers would probably benefit from a op-ed by Tel Aviv University Professor Shlomo Sand, who recently published a book entitled When and How Was the Jewish People Invented.

Sand correctly points out that Judaism but not the people emigrated from ancient Palestine and that modern Palestinians are descendants of the ancient Judean and Galilian populations of Palestine while European Jewish Zionists had practically no ancestral connection to the country they stole from the native population.

Joachim Martillo
Boston, MA 02126-2813
Anita Diamant

Art and politics, and a voice of reason

Nadine Gordimer, the 84-year-old South African Nobel laureate
who has written more than 30 books. (TIZIANA FABI/AFP/Getty Images)

By Anita Diamant
May 26, 2008

FIRST, I was flattered at the invitation to attend the first International Jerusalem Writers Festival; the opportunity to visit Israel again was itself a great gift. But learning that Nadine Gordimer, one of my heroes, would also be there made it feel like an honor. The 84-year-old South African Nobel laureate has written more than 30 beautiful, complicated books, several of which were banned by the apartheid government she worked for decades, and at personal risk, to defeat.

Gordimer was under intense pressure to boycott the festival, which took place earlier this month. Given her past criticism of Israeli policies, it seemed possible that she might stay away. So her appearance was viewed as something of a coup and not only by the organizers of the event; President Shimon Peres, speaking at the opening-night ceremony, stopped to shake her hand on his way to the podium and cameras flashed.

The relationship between art and politics was a frequent topic during the well-attended four-day festival, which featured 15 foreign writers in public conversation with nearly 40 Israeli authors. Gordimer's appearances were packed, especially the marquee conversation with author and activist Amos Oz.

The two friends sat under a white tent on a promontory overlooking the tawny walls of the old city of Jerusalem. As the sun set, they discussed the process of writing and the challenge of being true to one's craft even when a story or a novel is set in the context of political conflict. They agreed that nothing kills art quicker than a political agenda, even though their works are shaped by a sense of their place in the world.

Then they talked about the "a" word. Gordimer said that it was incorrect and wrong to paint Israel and South Africa with the same brush. "White people can not lay claim to a single inch of Africa," she said. The Jews, on the other hand, have a historical claim on the land of Israel. "In this, they are not at all comparable and Israel is not an apartheid state." However, she continued, "The police actions in the occupied territories, the forced removals and such, are exactly what happened in South Africa in the so-called 'reserved areas.' "

Taking a breath, she added, "I'm sorry to say this, but it is shameful." The audience literally twitched in discomfort, but Oz did not turn a hair.

"I would go further," he said. "I would say it is criminal." No one moved a muscle.

Oz was only one of many Israeli writers to talk about the "matsav," the "situation," in such bold terms. In a city festooned with blue and white flags in celebration of Israel's 60th anniversary, writers spoke of the "dual narratives" about May 14, 1948, and even referred to the Palestinian term for what happened on that date: "naqba" or "catastrophe." It's a tough word for Israelis but no longer taboo, and not just among writers and public intellectuals. It's part of the vocabulary of citizens like Natalie Barkan, who works for the Abraham Fund, one of hundreds of nonprofits supporting coexistence projects between Jews and Arabs. She says, "With one son serving in the army and another about to enter, I'm just as concerned about the moral dilemmas they will face as I am about their physical safety."

The divisions in the region are so intractable, the prospects for peace are so slim, it's easy to despair. And yet, there was Nadine Gordimer, a cool presence most of the time, speaking with unabashed delight about seeing a street sign in Johannesburg bearing the name of her friend and fellow antiapartheid activist, Joe Slovo. "If we in South Africa can have reconciliation, anyone can," she said.

Gordimer was not the only writer who received pleas to boycott the festival. Irish novelist Niall Williams explained his decision to attend in terms of his country's history of bitter violence between nationalists and unionists, Catholics and Protestants. "All of my childhood and much of my adulthood was focused on 'the troubles.' For most of that time, it was literally unthinkable that there could be peace in Ireland," he said. "Not until imagination infiltrates politics - until the idea of reconciliation can be articulated - is change possible."

Anita Diamant's most recent novel is "The Last Days of Dogtown." She is a guest columnist.

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Monday, May 26, 2008

Who Is Sending What Message?

Finkelstein, Blair, and Amayreh
by Joachim Martillo (
In 2003 the pattern of the killing and shooting of Rachel Corrie, Brian Avery, and Tom Hurndall indicated that someone within the Zionist power elite was trying to send a message and to determine the boundaries of action against foreign critics.
From following the Hebrew news media, I never had the impression that the Israeli government considered the Palestine (or International) Solidarity Movement (PSM/ISM)more than a nuisance -- at least until two British Muslims were inspired by the ISM martyrs to undertake their own suicide attacks on Israeli targets.
Yet, well before any of the deaths, I was receiving all sorts of literature from Jewish organizations like Hillel and the ADL about the danger of PSM/ISM and the threat represented especially by Huwaida Arraf. Huwaida seems to have particularly enraged Edgar Bronfman possibly because she is a Palestinian shikse, who has seduced a nice Jewish boy.
In the past week there was an interesting juxtaposition of the deportation of Norman Finkelstein, of the denial of a visa to Khaled Amayreh, and of the near shooting down of Tony Blair's airplane.
Even though Philip Weiss, Jerry Haber, and Richard Silverstein have all commented on Finkelstein's experience, there has been no discussion of a pattern with the partial exception of Amayreh's discussion of his own personal situation.
While Finkelstein, Amayreh, and Blair are minor irritants from the standpoint of the Israeli government, not only has Finkelstein made a raging enemy of Dershowitz, who is a big player in the Israel Lobby or Judonia (as I prefer), but important deep-pocket Jewish supporters have also been griping that Blair has taken his mission on behalf of Israeli-Palestinian peace far too seriously.
Amayreh may be less well known off the Internet, but he is an articulate US-educated Palestinian Islamic activist, who communicates well with Americans. The experience of Tariq Ramadan indicates that a large segment of the Neocon policy makers will attempt at all costs to prevent the participation of such people in the local American discussion about US ME policy.
The events in 2003 and today in 2008 make the most sense if  the Israeli government is reacting more to the concerns of the hyperwealthy international Zionist political economic elite than to any pressing Israeli political or security issue.
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Iran Divestment and Zionist Manipulation

Jeff Klein of Dorchester People for Peace (DPP) recently had a good piece in the Boston Globe: DIVESTMENT CONCERNS: State measure a step in the wrong direction.

State measure a step in the wrong direction

STATE REPRESENTATIVE Antonio Cabral and Senator Joan Menard get it wrong on Iran divestment legislation ("Iran investments are a bad deal for Mass.," Op-ed, May 17). If we are concerned with the soaring price of oil, we should look at the instability created by the disastrous and destabilizing Middle East policies of the Bush administration, not blame the Iranians. Using sanctions to limit Iranian oil production would worsen the problem, and help promote an even more dangerous climate of confrontation in the region.

Of course, there is plenty to criticize about Iran, but the idea that we have to take urgent measures to defend ourselves from a looming Iranian threat stands reality on its head. Iran is 6,000 miles away; it is surrounded by US armies and military bases; a giant nuclear-armed US fleet cruises just off its coast in the Persian Gulf. Just who is threatening who?

Iran divestment also comes with a significant price tag. Analysts for the Commonwealth pension funds estimate that it would cost up to $5 million in transaction fees and as much as $40,000 in annual administrative expenses. This could pay the annual pension of 200 state employees and teachers, money that might otherwise have to be made up from general tax revenues.

An ethical investment policy is a good idea, but not if it selectively promotes a pro-war agenda. Most Americans rightly favor a diplomatic approach to settling our differences with Iran. Passage of this legislation would be a step in the wrong direction.

The writer is a retired local president of the National Association of Government Employees. 

The Good and the Bad in DPP

DPP has done some good work in educating the Dorchester public about the nature of Bush policies, but like most such progressive organizations it was infiltrated by a Jewish racist. In this case her name is Judith Baker, and she has acted as a gatekeeper to prevent any discussion of Jewish, Zionist, or Neocon manipulation of US policy. She also tried to thwart any discussion of the involvement of the Organized Jewish Community (OJC) in the attack on the Roxbury Mosque. (We later found out that The David Project was not only working with mainstream Boston Jewish communal organizations and with some of the most prominent Jewish philanthropists, but it was also collaborating with the NE Israeli Consulate.)

In an online Washington Post discussion with David Ignatius and Fareed Zakaria, Baker provides a classic example of shilling on behalf of the OJC by feigning humanitarian goals in Darfur in order distract popular attention from Neocon/Israel Lobby-instigated US aggression in Iraq while she simultaneously claims moral superiority and also casts doubt on anyone that might reject the OJC version of the Darfur conflict. 

My analysis in Scientific Method and Studying Judaism suggests that Baker probably believes her lies and may even desire the best for Darfurians.

How to Get UN Troops into Darfur?

Should regional solidarity be allowed to trump human rights needs? What could be done to pull away support from the Sudanese regime and enable UN troops to enter?

Posted by Amar C. Bakshi on September 22, 2006 12:10 AM
Judith Baker Boston US :

If you know where one can volunteer to actually do something to help the people of Darfur [not donation - work, organizing, etc], please tell us.
Also, I find it very helpful when people talk directly to the point - ie how to prevent the bombing, killing, rape, dispossession. We can doubt the motives of many - and the US govt's invasion of Iraq and China's desire for Sudanese oil certainly make their motives suspect - but this can be a real diversion from the matter at hand. How do WE and others help the Darfurians without making the overall situation worse and without causing more conflict in the long run?

September 24, 2006 6:21 PM

How can anyone possibly take seriously the concern of a hypocrite like Baker that refuses to condemn Zionist genocidalism in stolen and occupied Palestine?

To learn more about Darfur or the Roxbury Mosque check out the following blog entries.

[Darfur and the Sudan]

[Roxbury Mosque]


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    Sunday, May 25, 2008

    Scientific Method and Studying Judaism

    Jews: Deceiving Themselves and Gentiles
    by Joachim Martillo (
    California State University–Long Beach Psychology Professor Kevin MacDonald addresses Jewish self-delusion and self-deception in Self-Deception as an Aspect of Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy while I visit the topic in Jewish History: Facts versus Delusions.
    Was Jeffrey Goldberg simply lying to himself about something patently obvious when he attacked Mearsheimer and Walt in The New Republic? (See The Usual Suspect as well as Philip Weiss's blog entries Was Goldberg Courageous, or Just Goin' With the Progressive Tide? and Goldberg's Variation.)
    Modern political science identifies the modern nation-state as a construct of the imagination, which therefore depends in various ways on deception and delusion, but MacDonald and I seem to be looking at something much deeper in modern Jewish identity.
    If this hypothesis is true, intellectual dishonesty should appear in modern Jewish discourse on even apparently insignificant historical questions.
    In Connecting Hanukkah, Christmas and `Idu-l-Adha, The New Jew & Mundoweiss: Jewish Christmas Thoughts, Jewish, Christian, and Palestinian Holidays, and Followup (II): Origins of Modern Jewry, I try to make the point that Hanukkah and Christmas are the same winter festival of lights and that they connect to different ancient understandings of Israel's covenant with God. During the discussion I point out that Jewish communities have often in the past considered Hanukkah a tremendously important holiday, but even citing the tenth century sage Saadyah Gaon, who is perhaps the most important figure in the transformation of Geonic Judaism into Rabbinic Judaism, produced no admission that my analysis might possibly have just a tiny grain of truth.
    No Star Too Beautiful, An Anthology of Yiddish Stories from 1382 to the Present, edited and translated by Joachim Neugroschel, pp. 10-12, contains a translation of a sixteenth century poem in which Hanukkah itself argues for its status as the most important Jewish holiday. [I have put Hanukkah's comments in red.]
    Not only was I probably correct about the historical importance of Hanukkah, but in the past century or two Jews may have consciously deemphasized Hanukkah to create a greater distinction between Judaism and Christianity.
    Please note that the wish, "God grant that next year we will be in Jerusalem with all our tribe," expresses desire for the coming of the Messiah, who will rebuild the Jerusalem Temple so that the Temple sacrifices can resume.  The traditional invocation has no Zionist connotation whatsoever despite the lies of Israel advocates.
    Zalman Khasak (dates unknown)
    The Holy Days taking part in the free-for-all are: Hanukkah (the Feast of Lights); Passover (commemorating God's gift of the Torah to the Jews); Rosh Hashonah (New Year's); Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement); Sukkoth (harvest festival); Ninth of Av (the destruction of the Temple); and Purim (the salvation of the Persian Jews from destruction t the hands of Haman, the shah's wicked adviser).
    This humorous narrative has an intricate rhyme scheme, which I haven't even tried to capture: aabccbededfgf, whereby the g-line remains unrhymed. This device -- the "orphan line" was used in medieval German poetry to lend a touch of disharmony, of dissonance. In this Yiddish debate, the dissonance may reflect the sometimes harsh if comical argument. As the penultimate line of each stanza, this orphan is part of the conciliatory finale spoken by Purim:
    God grant that next year we will be
    In Jerusalem with all our tribe.
    The War of the holy Days (1517)
    Oldendorf, Germany
     Now, my dear friends, do you see what you're doing? The Holy Days indulged in arrogant boasting, in envy and hatred and warfare. Hanukkah tried to fight them all and carry the day by force: "I want to present this to people so they'll understand this whole business. The Greeks failed to remove one small measure of oil, enough to burn for one day -- but the light lasted for eight days. Heaven worked this great miracle: the good Lord made a great sign to every single person."
    "I don't wish to put it off any longer," said Passover, stepping forward. "I want the prize. On my day they started to tell the story, God chose my night and He also parted the Red Sea."
    Hanukkah said: "I'm so delighted -- I've got my revenge. No one can stomach your food, people cook a lot better on my day. Young and old are cheered by the sight of me. So keep quiet, you talk too much!"
    "You shouldn't break off with me," said Shevuoth. "Why, you're one of us. On my day God gave us the Torah and gave each man a crown as well. God Himself spoke  to us."
    Hanukkah replied very sagely: "I've seen a lot of cake and milk with you -- you've simply lapsed into a fever because all the meat was fed to the dogs. I won't say a word about your great offense. Just take your cheese and butter and leave the land."
    "Well, let me complain too," said Rosh Hashonah, the holy start of the New Year. "I'm stronger than you, for the world was born on my day, and people have to blow a horn to scare off Satan."
    Hanukkah sneered: "You've lost to me; you are godly half the day, but I don't need to pray very much. Instead, people have to read from the Psalter. That's prohibited on your day, but I can enjoy it."
    "Hanukkah, I've taken my aim at you -- for you're nothing compared with me," said Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, the unique day. "On my day God forgives Israel for all its sins, and the children of Israel are just in all their bonds, like the pure and holy angels."
    Hanukkah said: "I'm longer than you and hotter. You belong with the Ninth of Av in the summer. I'm longer than you and hotter. You belong with the Ninth of Av in the summer. I'm good at gobbling and guzzling, but people suffer grief and hunger with you, and they also have to go barefoot. Someone who hates you can't repent his sin."
    "You're throwing out the baby with the bathwater. You always have the least provisions, so I'll give you another day. My name is Sukkoth, and people will know Israel because of me when the sun is hottest."
    Hanukkah said: "I'm superior to you!" And they began to curse one another. "With you, people sit in snow and rain, but when I come, they heat their homes. I've shut your mouth -- you want to battle with me, and that makes me very angry."
    "It's no miracle that you've promised the Holy Days, and they've shattered their share. But I, Purim, I'll catch you. On my day they cook the best and not the worst. Israel was saved, and Haman was hanged."
    Hanukkah replied wisely: "You are my inferior, for I last a whole wight days, and even that I feel, is too brief."
    Purim said: "You are the master and I am the servant. God grant that next year we will be in Jerusalem with all our tribe."
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    Friday, May 23, 2008

    The New Nation of Americasrael

    George Bush is Its President
    by Joachim Martillo (

    I kid you not.

    Please read this paragraph from Bush's address to the Knesset.
    Some people suggest if the United States would just break ties with Israel, all our problems in the Middle East would go away. This is a tired argument that buys into the propaganda of the enemies of peace, and America utterly rejects it. Israel's population may be just over 7 million. But when you confront terror and evil, you are 307 million strong, because the United States of America stands with you. (Applause.)
    [To read the rest, please click here!]

    I argue in Judonia Rising Complete (or Judonia Rising Complete [pdf])
    • that the USA is a dependent and intimidated client state of the Zionist Virtual Colonial Motherland (Judonia) and
    • that the likes of Sheldon Adelson are the real lords and masters of Americans.  
    Only if George had puckered up and kissed Sheldon on his nether regions, could our President possibly have provided more proof of the USA's real status relative to the billionaire Zionists living among us.

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    Was American Jewish Zionization Inevitable?

    Pro-Obama Jewish Seniors
    by Joachim Martillo (

    Hebrew University Professor Jeremy Haber recently added an entry entitled  One Elderly Jew's Passionate Support of Obama to his blog named The Magnes Zionist.

    He writes:
    Over the past few months I have had some interesting discussions with a 94-year old Jewish supporter of Barack Obama. The supporter, a prominent real estate developer, was one of the pillars of the Jewish community in his prime. A past president of the local Federation, the Jewish Community Center, and a board member of a big conservative shul, he has led a long and active life of service to the Jewish and non-Jewish communities. I should also mention that he is a life-long liberal, who only once wavered in his support for Democrats, and that was when he supported John Anderson over Jimmy Carter in 1980. (He has come to respect Jimmy Carter in his post-presidency.)

    I asked him how he came to support Obama. After all, he seemed to be bucking the demographics: white, elderly, Jewish former businessmen aren't supposed to be in the Obama camp. This is what he told me:
    About a year and a half ago, I was given Obama's book, The Audacity of Hope. I didn't know anything about him, except that he had given a good speech at the Democratic Convention. Well, I read that book, and I was amazed by his life story, and by his vision for America. On the strength of that book I decided to support the campaign, and I have continued to do so. If anything, I have become more disenchanted with Hillary Clinton, who has run a negative campaign. She comes nowhere near Obama. Most of the people who don't support him don't really know anything about him.
    [To read the rest of the article, click here.]

    When I study the history and development of the American Jewish community, I have the impression its soul (or public spirit, i.e., Gemeingeist) was gradually hi-jacked.

    By leaving E. Europe, Yiddish immigrants to the USA consciously or unconsciously renounced the extremist völkisch racist politics of E. Europe.

    Even though I can find all sorts of opportunistic reasons for American Jewish support of
    • civil rights, 
    • the labor movement, and 
    • other progressive causes,
    in some sense the motivations were irrelevant because the ultimate results could have provided much more than narrow ethnic benefits.

    Yet since the transplantation of the Zionist movement to the USA from Eastern Europe, there seems to have been a gradual Jewish group mental subversion that is apparent in the Zionization
    • of American Reform Judaism,
    • of the Jewish labor movement, 
    • of Jewish philanthropy and 
    • of Jewish civil rights efforts
    thanks to the efforts of communal leaders like
    • Abba Hillel Silver,
    • Abraham Cahan, founding editor of the The Forward (Yiddish: פֿאָרווערטס; Forverts), and
    • Felix Warburg, a prominent early twentieth century philanthropist and banker.
    In order to create a mechanism to control US discourse, Israel advocates had to bring American Jews back to the nineteenth century racist mentality that was common among the Eastern European Yiddish population in the 1870s-1890s.

    When Jeremy Haber's father talks about his support of the NAACP, I have the impression of a certain incompleteness of the Zionist indoctrination and of the existence in the past of a different direction that the American Jewish community might have taken.

    Unfortunately, the indoctrination of younger pro-Israel Jews seems far more complete and bullet-proof. Like the Neocon leadership, they know they are right.
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    Wednesday, May 21, 2008

    Neocon Damage to Somalia

    Several correspondents have expressed surprise when I referred to a Neocon-incited disaster in Somalia.

    Black Agenda Report has provided a summary of the situation in Somalia: Hidden Catastrophe, Hidden Agenda.

    The article mentions Macalester Professor Abdi Samatar, whom I met at Wellesley in 2003 when he spoke about the situation in Somalia.

    Samatar's talk attracted a Zionist group, which was simultaneously trying to show humanitarian concern for Somalis and also attempting to use collapse of government in Somalia to prove that Israel had no choice but to control Palestinians with brutality.

    I told a pro-Israel gal that it was completely hypocritical to
    • support Zionist genocide,
    • pretend to care about Somalis, and
    • feign surprise at the anger of Palestinians on account of the theft of their country by a bunch of murderous racists from Central and Eastern Europe.
    She broke out crying and in response Professor Samatar along with a Wellesley professor tried to calm the student down. The Wellesley professor told me that I had to introduce Jewish students to the facts of life more gently.

    [Note that by involving Ethiopia in Somalia the USA seems also to have done harm to the Ethiopian political system. Neocons acting as a Jewish special interest group can turn practically anything they touch into mud.]
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    Fight Judonia: Now or Never!

    In response to Not Just an Ordinary Lobby, Anonymous posted such a classic Zionist comment that I had to give my reply its own blog entry.

    The paper Judonia Rising Complete argues that the Zionist virtual colonial motherland (Judonia) has created its own empire into which the USA is integrated as a dependent and intimidated client state.

    Anonymous concedes that a genuinely open discussion means all possibilities should be on the table and accepts that proposing the dismantlement of the State of Israel might create movement toward a genuine compromise, but there is a more immediate reason to abolish the State of Israel, for it is the keystone of a system that has enabled a tiny Zionist intelligentsia to manipulate the USA
    • into incinerating Iraq,
    • into permitting Israel to cluster bomb Lebanon,
    • into thwarting probably the last chance to put Somalia back together,
    • into interfering with Sudan, and
    • into threatening Iran.
    I never said anywhere in my blog that I dislike Jews, but a reader could reasonably conclude that I am getting tired of the behavior of far too many American Jews that use a 60 year old victomology to distract from ongoing Zionist crimes, and I am becoming very angry at the organized Jewish community (OJC) and at the Israel Lobby because these latter two groups through a pattern of criminal and civil violations have created a political economic situation that is a threat to all Americans.

    Anonymous resorts to standard Zionist propaganda when he calls Palestinians their own worst enemy.

    In a nutshell, a bunch of murderous, racist, genocidal Central and Eastern European thieves, interlopers and invaders stole Palestine and genocided the native population, and the rest of the world is supposed to look the other way because the criminals were Jewish.  The Palestinians were always the good guys while the Zionist colonists were and remain completely vile in actions and beliefs.

    In fact, the behavior of E. European ethnic Ashkenazim in Palestine was consistent with a pattern of Yiddish violence, extremism and fanaticism in Eastern Europe and the Czarist Empire throughout the nineteenth century and twentieth century. 

    The three defining political murders of the modern Russia (Czar Alexander II, Pyotr Stolypin, Czar Nicholas II + family) and hence of the modern world were ordered, planned and carried out by Jews. 

    After the October Revolution far too many ethnic Ashkenazim exuberantly took part in mass murder, ethnic cleansing, and genocide in the Soviet Union long before mass murders of Jews began during World War II.

    [See The Pattern of Ethnic Ashkenazi Genocidalism: The Jewish Century by Yuri Slezkine.]

    While American, British, Russian, German, and French imperialism have all been very bad, the imperialism of the Zionist virtual colonial motherland (Judonia), which only benefits 400-500 hyperwealthy American Zionists, is particularly evil and hurts the vast majority of American Jews just as it harms the rest of the human race. Yet, Zionist intelligentsia and OJC staff need only say the magic word "anti-Semitism," and American Jews against their own interests spring to the defense of the likes of Sheldon Adelson, the Krafts, the Bronfmans, the Shustermans, Belfer, Wexner, Haim Saban, and Lev Leviev.

    Is it any wonder that anger against American Jews is increasing throughout the world?

    Removing Israel from the equation is the only way to stop this pathological behavior.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Anonymous
    To: Joachim Martillo <>
    Sent: Mon, 5 May 2008 1:28 pm
    Subject: Re: Fight Judonia: Now or Never!

    thanks for the heads up.  as someone who cares a lot about social justice, the situation in palestine is extremely troubling.  i definitely agree that american imperialism has given israel too free a rein, and allowed her not to have to come to a settlement.

    when you talk about the dismantling of israel (i use that term instead of the emotionally charged destruction, because i think emotions need to be taken out of the discussion,) the one thing i will give you is that by expanding the discussion to include that possibility on one side (the other side being, of course, the indefinite continuation of the interment of the palestinian people,) there may be a chance to find actual middle ground which would include more for the palestinian people than just gaza and the west bank.

    i think you need to be cognizant of how your emotional attachment to this issue is clouding your judgment.  on the one hand you say your views are not fueled by anti-semitism, but go on to say that you don't like jews.  that's a pretty big inconsistency. 

    since you don't feel a need for political correctness (and i support this freedom of expression,) i will respond in turn that there is no question that the palestinian people are their own worst enemies.  in the entire history of p.r., there has been no one as absurdly bad at this than the palestinians!  every time they gain the moral high-ground from some illegal israeli act, they turn around and blow up some school children.  regardless of the arguments of struggle, this is just plain the worst p.r. in history, and speaks greatly toward the current plight.

    the point being, as long as anger fuels the interaction, there will never be a settlement, and again and again the palestinians will play into the hands of the israelis. 

    personally, i think you are confusing the problems of british, german, soviet, american (etc.) imperialsim and the disregard for human rights and international law by these empires, essentially a problem of fear, greed and un-moderated capitalism, with a very small part of the puzzle. 

    the focus on the injustices that have plagued humanity from the beginning of civilization as a "jewish problem" has not only disturbing historical ramification, but is clear scapegoating.

    the tail can't wag the dog- despite the attractiveness of this metaphor, it is a physical impossibility. 

    we need to look at educating the american people, so they don't blindly facilitate every kind of human rights outrages indiscriminately around the world, not blaming jews.

    i do appreciate your openness and willingness to engage in discourse, clearly you have done a lot of research.  i hope to convince you of the sagacity of a moderate approach. 

    On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 9:35 AM, Joachim Martillo <> wrote:
    Joachim Martillo has sent you a link to a blog:

    Hi, Here is the last blog entry that I made on the Israel Lobby and its effect on American Society. Best, Joachim Martillo

    Blog: Ethnic Ashkenazim Against Zionist Israel
    Post: Fight Judonia: Now or Never!

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