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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Small victory for Prof. David Noble case in Toronto

Henry Lowi forwarded the following list of articles to me and thanked Eibie Weizfeld and Prof. Abbie Bakan for drawing his attention to the case.

Prof. David Noble and his tenacious supporters merit congratulations, but the articles listed below repeat some common misconceptions about Jewish support for free expression. Alvin Rosenfeld and the AJCommittee's attempt to put Jewish progressives under a sort of herem or ban of excommunication is closer to the historical Jewish norm. (See Ethnic Ashkenazim Against Zionist Israel: Updating "The AJC attacks".) 

Columbia Professor Michael Stanislawski's book entitled A Murder in Lemberg describes a violent attempt in 1848 to suppress social-political-religious deviance within the Jewish Community of Austrian Galicia.

Canadian Jewish News: York prof awarded $2,500 in academic freedom dispute

York University Faculty Association statement

David Noble's analysis of the context of his case

Simon Fraser University student newspaper article on Noble case

David Noble's speech at the first NOT IN OUR NAME forum:  A Word About Free Speech

[The web site of Faculty For Israeli-Palestinian Peace discusses relevant issues.]

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