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Friday, February 01, 2008

What is the Islamic Caliphate?

Scare-Mongering Americans into False Consensus
by Joachim Martillo (
The nonsense about the Caliphate is just Zionist Neocon scare-mongering to create a false consensus. They want us to view Muslims as Nazis with the Caliph as Fuehrer so that Americans will shut off their brains and attack. So what if Muslims have a Caliph? Catholics have a Pope.
The crudest and most bigoted political groups used to scare-monger about the Pope. I thought we were beyond such stupidity.
Most of Europe had perfectly reasonable relations with the Ottoman Empire at the beginning of the twentieth century. The vivisection of the Ottoman Empire at the end of WW1 was pushed by Zionists among the British political and economic elite. The world would probably have been a lot better off if the Ottoman state had been left intact with the Caliph, who could serve as the titular religious political leader, but an intact Ottoman Empire would have made Zionism and the fulfillment of the Balfour Declaration impossible.
In point of fact, the Caliphate had long ago lost most religious significance, and the senior religious of official of the Ottoman Empire was the Sheikh al-Islam of Istanbul. The Caliphate simply does not loom large in modern Muslim thought.
Bin Ladin has been angry at the US support for Zionism, US support of corrupt Arab dictators and US support for sanctions on Iraq. His anger (if not his expression thereof) was not particularly unreasonable and was shared throughout the Muslim world.
The USA did not pay attention. If the USA refuses to engage in a civil dialogue with critics, it is left with uncivil dialogue (war, terrorism).
The USA needs to replace its ongoing mindless internal shrieking about the Caliphate, Islam, and Palestinians with a civil public discussion about Zionism, the alliance with Israel, and the behavior of American Jews.
As Phil Weiss (a former Harvard classmate) points out far too many American Jews are being very dishonest.
Here is another.

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Anonymous said...

What do you think of Jones's analysis:
From Bishkek to Baghdad, the Caliphate's time has come?

Joachim Martillo said...

It is certainly possible to discuss the Caliphate as a sort of United Muslim Commonwealth, and that direction was a possible trajectory for the Ottoman Empire before it was vivisected.

The next time I write about the issue I will mention that Muslim groups sometimes use al-khalifa to represent structures comparable to the European Union albeit consistent with Islamic religious or spiritual concepts.

Anonymous said...

>structures comparable to the European Union albeit consistent with Islamic religious or spiritual concepts

looking forward to that. It's exactly what's needed now. The UN/ EU are bankrupt - pawns of the US.

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