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Saturday, March 27, 2010

How Jews Cover For Zionism

March 21, I walked into a local coffee shop and found the following flier:

By any reasonable standard the State of Israel is a vile racist, murderous, genocidal entity founded in ethnic cleansing and maintained by violence and terrorism.

Israel represents a major threat to world peace. Thanks to the American Jewish community and the Israel Lobby the Zionist state parasitizes the USA at a rate of $60-100 billion per year in subsidies and at a total cost of $6-8 trillion (in 2002 dollars).

Yet neither stealing approximately $20,000 from every man, woman, and child resident in the USA nor the promise of continuing extortion into the foreseeable future is enough to satisfy Zionist rapaciousness.

In addition to looting the US economy, the Jewish Zionist political economic oligarchy and its intelligentsia use the State of Israel as the keystone in a vast thought control system that privileges Jews and especially their Zionist leadership over all other Americans.

As Samantha's text above indicates, even Jewish children are recruited to distract non-Jews from Zionist crimes and to keep the system of Jewish Zionist oppression in place and operating smoothly (while non-Jewish children are systematically brainwashed by Zionist texts infiltrated into the public school system).

In this case, Samantha Steefel is marketing the association of the criminal Zionist state with good causes like helping women that have suffered from breast cancer while Samantha Steefel's parents Carissa Channing-Steefel and Jeffrey Steefel are indoctrinating Samantha with the belief that Stolen and Occupied Palestine belongs to American Jews like Samantha Steefel and not to the native Palestinian population that has been oppressed and brutalized for so long by racist murderous genocidal Jewish Zionist invaders.

Carissa Channing was a wannabe actress, who has appeared in Frankenhooker and in Seinfeld episodes entitled The Keys and The Cigar Store Indian. She has also co-authored the book You Definitely Know You're A Mom When...

Carissa Channing-Steefel's husband Jeffrey seems to have made a lot of money in the videogame industry.

If the Steefels were decent people (and not so intimately connected with the Hollywood crowd), they would teach their daughters that Zionism, the State of Israel, and Jewish privilege or cheating are evils that decent Jews have an obligation to fight in every way possible.

Samantha should be out there raising money on behalf of Palestinians and working to put the Zionist plutocracy and intelligentsia in jail.

[Note that Jews do not have any history before the 19th century of extending philanthropy beyond their own community, and Jewish philanthropy like Jewish interfaith activities since the 19th century has generally been suffused with extremist racism and bigotry. See Long Version: Zionizing Muslims via Interfaith Dialogue, Massachusetts Zionists Humiliate Catholic Church,
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