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Sunday, July 08, 2007

Open Letter to the Editor of the Financial Times

In re: How to defeat the jihadis in something other than a war
Dear Editor,
Philip Stephens is correct about  the "need to win hearts and minds in the wider Muslim community" ("How to defeat the jihadis in something other than a war," FT, July 5, 2007, The reason for the persistence and recruiting success of the jihadis is obvious.  When civil discussion is blocked, only uncivil discussion like terrorism, bombings and assassination is left. Arabs and Muslims have some serious concerns that the US and UK political leadership refuses to engage.
Because American Jewish Neocons have put regime change/state destruction on the agenda, it should not be taboo to have an open discussion of the need to eradicate Zionism and the Zionist state.
Because American Jewish Neocons have created US policy that have made millions of Arabs and Muslims refugees, it should not be taboo to have open discussion of removing Zionist thieves and interlopers from stolen and occupied Palestine.
Because American Jewish Neocon policy makers manipulated the US government into bombing completely innocent Arab and Muslim populations, it should not be taboo openly to discuss the need to carpet-bomb racist Jews-only cities and settlements in stolen and occupied Palestine.
Because Jewish Neocons fling epithets like Islamonazi and Islamofascist so freely, it should not be taboo for academics openly to compare German Nazi ideology and behavior with that of Zionists.  Having carried out the exercise, I can fairly safely predict that most unprejudiced non-Jewish scholars will conclude that Zionism and German Nazism belong to the same class of murderous genocidal politicized ethnic fundamentalist ideologies that developed in Central and Eastern Europe during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Then we British and Americans need to have an open discussion of how to deal with a vile unrepentant Eastern European extremist ethnic fundamentalist state that we have wrongfully created or supported in the Middle East and whether a racist population of Eastern European Jewish Zionist (ethnic Ashkenazi Nazi) subversives should continue to exercise full citizenship rights in the UK and the USA.
Joachim Martillo
Boston, MA

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Anonymous said...

The state of discourse at Harvard is a reflection of that in the U.S in general. Our dialogues have been stymied by such words as racism, anti-Semitism, homophobic, Islamofascist etc. They are words whose definitions have become fluid and their use is usually meant to shame. Your arguments are solid on a first principles basis and that's all you really need.

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