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Friday, September 21, 2007

The David Project Mentality

Date:    Thu, 20 Sep 2007 14:44:12 +0200
From:    joel Hoffman <jh@DAVIDPROJECT.ORG>
Subject: Why I Don't Want Goyim In My Courses...

I have nothing against goyim, but I do not want them in my adult ed. classroom.  Just as Jews give examples from life experiences, books they've read, things they learned in other classes, etc. in class to question, compare-contrast, better illuminate, etc., so do goyim.  But often the context for the goyim which they share are New Testiment similarities, church history/practices, and of course, an occasional quote by JC (sic!).  I want to teach Judaism, not comparative religion! 

I've actually cancelled courses because the majority were non-Jews, and then tried to recruit back just the Jews.  And one time on a flyer for a hike-&-learn I was leading I wrote something like: "Must be Jewish and be able to walk 2.0 miles up and down roling hills."  I got repremanded for this.  But this is how I feel -- I put in the preparation and take no payment for teaching Judaism to adults, so I should be able to call the shots.

Again, I have nothing against goyim.  I have friends, neighbors and co-workers who are goyim and sometimes I actually enjoy discussing religious issues with them more so than with my Jewish friends.  Discussing religious issues with goyim I've found to take an understanding mode, whereas with Jews it seems to become argumentative.  I'm happy to discuss comparative religion at the water cooler with goyim, I just don't want them in my adult Jewish ed. courses sharing their heretical teachings with my students.

Rabbi Joel Hoffman

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