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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

21st Century Strange Fruit

If racist Jewish Zionists like Daniel Pipes, Pam Geller, Joe Kaufman, Roz Rothstein, Charles Jacobs, Matthew Levitt, Jonathan Schanzer, Marty Peretz, Larry Summers, Bob Kowell, et. al. had their wishes come true, the strange fruit hanging from from the trees would be the bodies of Arab and Muslim Americans.
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Simon_W said...

I agree with you that the idea of Zionism may not have been the best solution to the problems of the Jews and that it raises serious ethical problems with regards to the lot of the Palestinians. Hence your stance deserves more sympathy than the usual uncritical pro-Israelic hooray patriotism. Yet I have to say it's outlandish to criticize Zionism and the foundation of Israel now, 72 years after its foundation. You're simply too late. You can't demand from people born and raised in Israel to either emigrate or accept the dismantling of their state, because it's their homeland. And most of the Palestinian refugees are not really regugees, but descendants of regugees. It's a big difference.

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