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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Jessica Stern's Real Psychopathic Denial

Did Stanley Levitt Rape Matthew Levitt at Brookline's Maimonides School?

Harvard Kennedy School lecturer Jessica Stern made a big splash recently
  • by going public with the story of a rape that she suffered as a teenager and
  • by linking terrorism to sexual violence.
Here are an article and an NPR interview addressing the subject:
I have listened to enough of Stern's lectures and spoken with her sufficiently to be fairly certain that she is a dope and a great example of yet another Jew in academia, who could not possibly have obtained her position without immense assistance from corrupt Jewish social networking.

As a racist Jew, Stern has consistently skewed her data tremendously by mostly ignoring the most important 19th, 20th, and 21st century example of terrorism: that of often disproportionately female Eastern European ethnic Ashkenazi terrorists in Eastern Europe, the Czarist Empire, the Soviet Union, and Palestine. (See Jewish Peril 1933 Versus 2009.) It is almost needless to mention that the FBI has been so impressed by Stern's distorted racist Jewish Zionist scholarship that the Bureau has recognized her efforts against international terrorism.

Not only is Stern's new thesis "that many religious extremists had been sexually traumatized" so silly that it hardly bares refutation, but she has never investigated the role ethnic Ashkenazi rape fantasies directed at non-Jewish women have played and continue to play in Jewish terrorism even though such dark thoughts would seem highly relevant to her theory. (See The Magnes Zionist: Kristol and the Shikse.)

Did John Brown have living slavers hacked to pieces in Bleeding Kansas because he suffered sexual trauma as a child? No biography of Brown has made such a suggestion. American slavers constitute the 19th century ethical equivalent of modern Jewish Zionists. Thus by American precedent and history blowing up or otherwise killing Zionists in the struggle against violent state-sponsored racism is completely legitimate, heroic, and admirable. The issue of sexual trauma is completely irrelevant.

Yet there is a form of terrorism that may connect with sexual trauma. Boston-bred Matthew Levitt, who has made a career of terrorizing the American Muslim community, attended Brookline's Maimonides School while sexual predator Stanley Levitt was active. (See Sex Abuse Case Against Rabbi Raises Larger Issues.)

 Because Maimonides is a very twisted extremist racist Zionist yeshiva (Jewish madrasa), Levitt's sick Islamophobia could perhaps be explained by osmotic absorption of the fanatic hateful ideals that permeate the intellectual culture of the school, but the almost sexual glee that Levitt has taken in putting innocent American Muslims into jail and in destroying their families does have the appearance of overcompensation for having been corn-holed by a sexual predator like Stanley Levitt (possibly a relative?)

More investigation of the component of sexual perversity in Jewish Bolshevism and Jewish Zionism is desperately needed. Because Jewish Zionists dominate US policy-making with regard to the ME and SW Asia, the topic seems far more important than the ongoing microscopic media examination of 10-20 year old allegations of sexual abuse by Catholic priests. One has to wonder whether Jewish media facilitators and gatekeepers have made a conscious decision to focus on the Catholic Church to distract from the far more serious issue of Jewish sexual predation.

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