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Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Unrepentant Genocidaires

Jews, the Armenian Genocide and the Nakba (Holoexaleipsis)
by Joachim Martillo (

Philip Weiss writes the following in The Armenian Horror, Cte'd; Is Foxman Finished?

The Globe reports that the ADL fired its regional director in New England over his statements calling for an acknowledgment of Armenian genocide. And Foxman states in his letter "explaining" the decision that the security of Israel is paramount.

Ergo, we lie and cover up another people's suffering. What was I saying about free speech in the Jewish community? What was I saying about the demands the Jewish state has made on Jewish identity?

Yet acknowledgement among Jews that the Ottoman Empire in its waning days committed genocide against Armenians is simply not enough! Many Jews already resist Turkish and Zionist attempts to suppress discussion of the Armenian genocide. Jews (especially ethnic Ashkenazim) must fully admit to themselves and to non-Jews

  1. that revolutionary communist Ashkenazim were up to their eyeballs in mass murder, ethnic cleansing and genocide from the October Revolution right through the 1940s,
  2. that Zionist Ashkenazim and German Jews planned the murder of Arab Palestine in the latter half of the 19th century,
  3. that murderous Ashkenazi and German Jewish invaders carried out 80% of the Zionist genocide program in the middle of the 20th century and
  4. that Jews of all ethnicities are either carrying out genocide right before our eyes in Stolen and Occupied Palestine or are manipulating the US government into supporting ongoing Zionist crimes against humanity.*

Below is an essay that I circulated April 20, 2006.  It discusses Jewish involvement in a local Boston commemoration of the Armenian genocide.

Many ethnic Ashkenazim and many Turks practice genocide denial, but the Ottoman government tried and sentenced to death the Ottoman officials that planned and executed the genocide of Armenians while Zionist genocidaires founded the State of Israel and still lead that state to this day. 

The reluctance of the Turkish government to call the mass murder of Armenians genocide is probably a result of the popular equation of the crime of genocide with the Hollywood Holocaust that has very little resemblance to the actual historical mass murders a Jews that took place during WW2. See Nakba education vs Holocaust disinformation for Americans to obtain more information about Zionist misrepresentations.

(*) The loyal ethnic Persian Jewish population that has refused to leave its Iranian homeland and that has categorically condemned Zionism as evil and blasphemous is an exception that continues to embarrass American and Israeli Zionists with the truth.

kNOw Genocide, Armenians and the Mass Murder of the Jews

According to the announcement appended below April 21, 2006 will mark the public inception of "kNOw GENOCIDE,  a new multi-ethnic,  non-partisan coalition formed to combat the ongoing denial of known cases of genocide,  such as the Darfur,  Cambodian,  Jewish,  Rwandan, and the Armenian genocides."  In point of fact, Holocaust denial is a thoroughly insignificant phenomenon in the USA and is exaggerated by the Ashkenazi American community as a way of deflecting criticism of the behavior of the State of Israel.  The announcement claims to be "grounded in the understanding that denial of genocide is the final stage of that crime. For the sake of human rights as well as the historical truth it will counter and expose attempts at genocide denial."

The claim is nonsense.  Denial of genocide is not the final stage of crimes like the mass murder of Jews during WW2.  The final stage of such crimes comes when the victims of mass murder use their past sufferings to justify their depredations against innocent third-parties.  Holocaust denial is partially a reaction to such misuse of the history of the mass murder of Jews during WW2.  Holocaust denial is not genocide denial.  Holocaust denial exists because there are serious problems with the standard historiography of the mass murder of Jews during WW2.  Holocaust revisionists generally have their own agenda and often do not have the necessary skills to present a more accurate analysis of the destruction of European Jewish communities, but in their willingness to challenge the standard Holocaust mythology they do in fact do a service.

Real genocide denial is the cover up of the historical and ongoing genocide against the native Palestinian population.  Racist Eastern European Ashkenazim and German Jews planned the physical destruction of the native Palestinian population since the end of the 19th century and have been carrying out this program since 1947.  The murder of Arab Palestine planned in the 19th century,  carried out mostly in the 20th century and still ongoing in the 21st century is without doubt the defining crime of genocide of three centuries.

Here is article 2 from the Convention on Genocide (

Article 2

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Note that items a, b, and c clearly have applied to Palestine since racist Eastern European Ashkenazim began to invade Palestine for the purpose of stealing it from the native population at the end of the 19th century. The Zionist colonizer population is comprised of murderous genocidal thieves and interlopers under the international definition of genocide and under the original Lemkin formulation of the definition of genocide.

No one can take seriously any group that claims to be anti-genocide unless that group takes a clear and forthright stand 

  1. against the criminal Zionist colonizer population,
  2. against racist ethnic Ashkenazi Americans that have manipulated the USA into supporting the criminal genocidal state of Israel and
  3. against the murderous US Middle Eastern policy that supports Zionism and the state of Israel.

We have to start talking rationally about the mass murders of European Jews during WW2. 

German Nazism was a reaction to Soviet Bolshevism, which had already systematically wiped out 7-12 million Soviet citizens by the time of the German invasion of the Soviet Union.  Now that we can look act Soviet archives we find that the accusations of the Central and European right wings during the 20s and 30s of Judeo-Bolshevik terrorism were completely true.  As we examine higher levels of the Soviet hierarchy, we find that the leading party members belong ever more frequently to the Eastern European Ashkenazi ethnic group and that the murderous policies of the Soviet Union (e.g., collectivization, dekulakization, alienization, mass starvation, etc.) were for the most part formulated, developed and carried out by ethnic Ashkenazim.  Moreover, when we look at the early history of the Soviet Union,

  1. the quick consolidation of the Soviet Union because of the efforts of ethnic Ashkenazim within and without the Soviet Union 
  2. the military threat to Poland from the ethnic Ashkenazi-led Red Army defeated by Pilsudski in the Miracle of Warsaw and 
  3. the Communist coup in Bavaria (9 of the 12 leaders were German Jews and ethnic Ashkenazim)

gave Central and Eastern European populations more than enough reason to hate and fear ethnic Ashkenazim of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union.

Until the invasion of the Soviet Union, the German Nazi policy with regard to German Jews and ethnic Ashkenazi was ethnic cleansing and relatively speaking this policy was a good deal less brutal than current Zionist policy with regard to the native population of Palestine. In Soviet territory, the German army tended not to distinguish between Bolsheviks and ethnic Ashkenazim.  From what we know now, this policy was not unreasonable to the first approximation, but mass murders in Soviet territories start not with German Nazi policy but with the collective revenge of liberated Soviet nationalities against ethnic Ashkenazim, who constituted the one ethnic group almost totally identified with the Soviet government.

Note that there is some dispute among non-Revisionist historians about the number of European Jews killed in the mass murders that start with the German invasion of the Soviet Union.  Raul Hilberg gives a figure of 5.1 million while Wiesel essentially pulls the figure of 6 million out of his hat.  Because new data available since the fall of the Soviet Union suggests that more Jews in Eastern European probably vanished among the non-Jewish population than previously believed even Raul Hilberg's figure may be high.  In general the depiction of the mass murders in terms of deportations of Western European Jews (like Anne Frank) to death camps is misleading.  Relatively speaking very few Jews lived in Western Europe.  Zionist historians and racist Ethnic Ashkenazi writers of the pogrom and persecution school of Jewish history focus on the Western European mass murders

  1. in part because access to Eastern European and Soviet data has generally been restricted, but 
  2. mostly because serious study of the Eastern European mass murders would invariably lead to discussion of the involvement of large segments of the Eastern European ethnic Ashkenazi population in heinous crimes against humanity because of their role in Eastern European radical activities.

Contextualizing Eastern European ethnic Ashkenazi political activities makes it much harder to portray European Jews as pure victims, who were specifically targeted by the German Nazis and who needed to receive Palestine as compensation.  In fact, it is not even improbable that more than half of the Jews subjected to mass murders during WW2 were killed not under any sort of program created by the German Nazis, but were the victim of collective revenge killings by "liberated" Soviet nationalities or by non-Soviet Eastern European populations, who understandably viewed local ethnic Ashkenazi populations as culpable in Soviet atrocities and mass murder.

As the German Nazis war effort went sour and as the German army had to retreat, the German government began systematically to deport and to kill the non-Soviet Eastern European ethnic Ashkenazi populations to the death camps, but this policy was not an irrational exercise in the hatred of Jews.  Soviet ethnic Ashkenazim were the quintessential Soviet class.  Ethnic Ashkenazim outside of the Soviet Union were the most loyal allies of the Soviet Union (they had aided the consolidation of the Soviet Union during the 20s and constituted the vast majority of pro-Soviet subversives in the West, including the USA, throughout the 20s, 30s and 40s).  Eastern European Ashkenazim managed large retail and distribution networks.  As the German army withdrew, the German government wanted to make sure that Eastern European ethnic Ashkenazi expertise was not used by the Soviet Union against Germany.  Killing the Eastern European ethnic Ashkenazi population was for Nazi Germany simply an extension of scorched Earth policies.  In Poland the Germany Nazis also mass murdered non-Jews that had similar logistic expertise and for the most part wiped out the Polish Tatar population because of its leading role in the military and in resistance to Germany.  The German government expected to hold the Soviet Union at the Eastern border to Germany and wanted to make sure that Soviet conquered territories in Eastern Europe were a tactical liability and not a tactical asset to the Soviet army.

The German government's calculation failed, but the mass murder of the ethnic Ashkenazi managerial population, which would have been the most pro-Soviet population within the Iron Curtain countries, guaranteed that the Soviet Union received little benefit from the Soviet dominated territories of the Eastern block.  Without the Nazi mass murder of the Jewish population of Eastern Europe and "liberated" Soviet territories, the Soviet Union would have been much stronger during the 40s-80s and would probably be threatening the 21st century with complete Soviet domination.

In short, we have to stop talking about the mass murder of Jews or ethnic Ashkenazim during WW2 as the most heinous crime in the history of humanity.  We need to recognize that because of historical processes since the collapse of the Polish Republic after 1648, ethnic Ashkenazim became a toxic minority hated for completely understandable reasons throughout Eastern Europe and Russian territories.  Because ethnic Ashkenazim have tended to have more financial resources and education, they have managed to do a tremendous amount of damage

  1. in Eastern Europe (including the overthrow of the Czarist Empire and the consolidation of the Soviet Union with concomitant mass murders) 
  2. in Palestine (including the murder of Arab Palestine and depredations on surrounding Arab populations) 
  3. in the UK by subverting the British Empire to Zionist goals in Palestine -- an action which contributed immensely to the demise of the British empire and 
  4. in the USA by subverting the USA during to 20s, 30s and 40s to the direct benefit of the Soviet Union and to the indirect benefit to ethnic Ashkenazi racist tribalism and then during 70s, 80s, 90s and 00s in subverting the US government to support the State of Israel to the direct benefit of ethnic Ashkenazi racist tribalism and to the obvious detriment of US interests.

Anti-Genocide coalitions like kNOw GENOCIDE are part of the strategy that racist Ashkenazi Americans use to enmesh non-Ashkenazim in service to Zionist/ethnic Ashkenazi racist tribalism and subversion. Patriotic Americans need to discuss how the Holocaust cult and the Zionist dominated discourse over genocide in the USA is harming America.  Any commemoration of genocide that does not include a strict condemnation

  1. of Zionism-inspired genocidal US Middle policy, 
  2. of subversive racist ethnic Ashkenazi tribalism and  
  3. of the murderous Zionist State

is both completely hypocritical and fundamentally anti-American because it supports the program of racist ethnic Ashkenazi Americans to sacrifice American lives and wealth to maintain the domination of Palestine by a murderous criminal genocidal population of racist Zionist thieves and interlopers. No one genuinely concerned about genocide can have any legitimate connection to ethnic Ashkenazim that do not reject and condemn Zionism and the State of Israel categorically.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                             CONTACT: Harout H. Semerdjian

April 13, 2006                                                                                     617-489-1597

                                                                                                Rep. Rachel Kaprielian


BOSTON, MA This year the commemoration of the Armenian Genocide in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has taken an extraordinary turn given the genocide lawsuit in our state. April 21, 2006 will mark two important events at the Massachusetts State House. The first is the State House Armenian Genocide Commemoration Ceremony organized by Representatives Rachel Kaprielian and Peter Koutoujian and Senator Steven Tolman. It will take place at 11:00 am in the Chamber of the House of Representatives and will be followed by an informal reception in the Great Hall of the State House.

The second event will take place outside the State House on Beacon Street at 12:45 pm immediately following the Commemoration Ceremony. It will mark the public inception of KNOW GENOCIDE, a new multi-ethnic, non-partisan coalition formed to combat the ongoing denial of known cases of genocide, such as the Darfur, Cambodian, Jewish, Rwandan, and the Armenian genocides.  The coalition is grounded in the understanding that denial of genocide is the final stage of that crime. For the sake of human rights as well as the historical truth it will counter and expose attempts at genocide denial.

Both events at the State House will be marked with the participation of Dr. Taner Akcam, the first Turkish scholar to publicly acknowledge and discuss the Armenian Genocide. Despite facing great challenges, Dr. Akcam has worked for many years in creating a positive and successful dialogue between Armenians and Turks. His work regarding the Armenian Genocide is hopefully a beginning for eventual acceptance by Turkey of this great crime against humanity.

It is our sincere hope that this event receives a good turnout of Armenians united against denial. Please join us at this historic juncture in our history, as we join with this leading Turkish scholar to acknowledge the truth and remember our martyrs.

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