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Sunday, December 13, 2009

In Re: الاهتمام الغربي بما نقوله عنه: مازن مطبقاني أنموذجاً

Islamophobes Studying Arabs Studying America

I noticed that Daniel Pipes's organization has expanded its operations to include rock-throwing at Arab academics in Arab countries.

I sent the following email to Professor Mazen Mutabagani, who is assistant professor of Orientalism at King Saud University in Riyadh as well as head of the Occidental Studies Unit in the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies.
As-Salam Alaikum Professor Mutabagani,

I noticed your article posted at Mazin al-Mutabaqani: A Saudi View of Orientalism.

It was interesting to me because as a Jewish studies expert I have been studying the David Project and occasionally working to thwart its efforts here in the Boston area.

Despite the editors' preface I thought your piece was an accurate summary.

Because the study of the Jewish role in ME Studies probably belongs more to Jewish Studies than to ME Studies, you might be interested in my blog entitled Ethnic Ashkenazim Against Zionist Israel, which I created as a resource to help Jews and non-Jews stand up to Zionist manipulation and intimidation.

The following blog entries are possibly of relevance to your article:
There is probably a non-ideological component to the struggle by Jewish Zionist groups to control academic ME studies departments. Every job a non-Jew obtains in this field is one less for a Jew, and there is a feeling among Jewish endowers of academic chairs in Jewish in ME studies that these positions should be reserved for pro-Zionist Jews.

Nadia Abu el-Haj was particularly upsetting to Jewish donors and academic job seekers because she was a Palestinian American, who in effect specialized in Jewish or Israel studies even if she does not describe her focus in this way.

Wa'al Salam,

Joachim Martillo
Ethnic Ashkenazim Against Zionist Israel
In response Professor Mutabagani posted an article الاهتمام الغربي بما نقوله عنه: مازن مطبقاني أنموذجاً which along with some followup discussion can be found here.

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