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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Jewish Social Networking Goes Supreme!

A week ago Phil Weiss addressed the possibility of Elena Kagan's appointment to the Supreme Court in Jewishness, and diversity, on the Supreme Court.

Yesterday, in Elena Kagan: Jewish Ethnic Networking Eases the Path of a Liberal/Leftist to the Supreme Court Kevin McDonald delved far more deeply into the meaning of making Kagan a Supreme.

In the past I have criticized Professor McDonald for trusting too much in the literature that Jews have written about themselves and for digging too deeply into ancient scripture when he should be looking more at the last few centuries in E. Europe, but this last article covers every important point and pleases me to no end with the exception of the next to the last paragraph with which I disagree on statistical grounds.

The analysis dovetails almost perfectly with my contentions in Corrupt Jewish Social Networking Rules! and with Karin's discussion in Chop Shop Economics and Stealth Zionism.

McDonald writes:

A recent LA Times article, “Supreme Court Nominee has admirers left and right,” by David G. Savage and James Oliphant, although masquerading as news, is a brief for the candidacy of Elena Kagan for the position on the Supreme Court vacated by David H. Souter. The article notes that she is well connected to top people in the Obama Administration, and there is effusive praise from two legal bigwigs, Laurence Tribe and Charles Fried, both of Harvard.

Kagan’s candidacy raises a number of issues. If nominated and confirmed, there would be three Jewish justices on the Supreme Court — all on the left. Jews are of course always overrepresented among elites — especially on the left, but 33% is high by any standard given that Jews constitute less than 3% of the US population. This is much higher than Jewish representation in the US Senate (13%) and the House of Representatives (~7%). The last time I checked, if there were three Jews on the Supreme Court, the percentage would be about the same as the percentage of Jews among the wealthiest Americans.

Jews as one-third of the Supreme Court seems sure to raise the eyebrows among people like me who think that Jewish identity often makes a big difference in attitudes and behavior. And if there is one area where mainstream Jewish political identity has had a huge effect (besides anything related to Israel), it’s in attitudes and behavior related to multiculturalism. This is true of the Jewish mainstream across the entire Jewish political spectrum, from the far left to the neoconservative right. A major theme of The Culture of Critique is that Jewish identities and interests were apparent in all the Jewish-dominated intellectual movements of the left that have rationalized multiculturalism, massive non-White immigration, and the general displacement of Europeans:

Viewed at its most abstract level, a fundamental agenda is thus to influence the European-derived peoples of the United States to view concern about their own demographic and cultural eclipse as irrational and as an indication of psychopathology. (Ch. 5 of The Culture of Critique; emphasis in original) [To read the whole article, click here.]

While McDonald correctly worries that a Kagan appointment will lead to proliferation of hate crime legislation and to restrictions on free speech, I am more concerned that her basic tendencies to support multiculturalism and to drown both WASPs and African Americans demographically leads inexorably to creation of an internal American version of the developing international Neo-Arenda system
  • that is based in Milton Friedman's economic theory,
  • that has created neo-colonial revenue streams on which hyperwealthy Americans batten, and
  • that has enabled politically mobilized Jewish Zionist plutocrats to increase their influence and control over the US government.
"Liberal" Jews like Kagan will even cry crocadile tears
  • as those Jews, who do not make it into the hyperwealthy oligarchy, take their place as smaller investors in and salaried managers at globalized conglomerates or giant megacorporations, which will be the equivalent of the leased estates or arendas of 16th century Poland,
  • while the rest of us, whether WASPs, African Americans, or new immigrants are left with the effective status of serfs or peasants working the estates.
[The information contained in theHuffington Post article Elena Kagan: Supreme Court Nominee? All You Need To Know by Rachel Weiner calls into question the whole idea of even considering Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court.] Sphere: Related Content