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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Jewish Hate Groups: NPR, SPLC

National Public Radio and its Boston affiliate WBUR are disproportionately Jewish organizations. A few years ago WBUR even tried to make its Jewishness a selling point during a fund-raiser, but quickly dropped that aspect of the campaign when the staff realized that it was creating animosity.

On Mondoweiss Henry Norr recently covered NPR distortions in its coverage of Jerusalem and the confliction over Palestine:

When it comes to E Jerusalem, ‘NPR’ misleads and misinforms

by Henry Norr on March 26, 2010

It’s been almost two weeks since I wrote to National Public Radio’s senior Washington editor, Ron Elving, and to the network’s ombudsman, Alicia Shepard, to ask why Elving used an Israeli formulation – "disputed" area – to characterize East Jerusalem, instead of calling it "occupied," the term used by the U.S. government, the United Nations, the International Court of Justice, and virtually every other international body. So far, neither has replied.
While I wait, I’ve spent some time looking a little more deeply into NPR’s coverage of East Jerusalem since Israel’s announcement of plans to build 1,600 new housing units there put the area in the spotlight. The network posts transcripts of all its stories, interviews, and talk shows on the Middle East (and nowadays most other stories, too) on its website, and it has a pretty good search engine, so it wasn’t hard to review all 22 broadcasts that have discussed East Jerusalem since the controversy exploded. (NPR doesn’t transcribe its hourly headlines, so they’re not included. Neither are the Associated Press reports and Foreign Policy articles it posts on its website but doesn’t read over the air.)
Here’s some of what I found anyone depending on NPR for information about the issue would have gathered about East Jerusalem:

1. It’s part of Israel’s capital. Regular listeners have heard Jerusalem described that way in at least eight stories. In five of those cases the city was called Israel’s "undivided capital;" once the phrase was "unified capital."  When NPR’s reporters say it (as opposed to when they’re quoting Netanyahu or Michael Oren, for example), they scrupulously precede these phrases with something like "the Israelis have proclaimed" or "Israel considers" the whole city their capital.
But since NPR reporters hardly ever even hint that anyone except the Palestinians disputes this claim, these are essentially throw-away words. (The closest they come to questioning the Israel position is the statement, which I found in two stories, that "The international community believes that the final status of the city should only be determined through negotiations.")
 [To read the entire blog entry, click here.]

Ali Abunimah has also discussed Jewish bias at NPR (and the NYT) on Mondoweiss.

A few days ago Jewish interviewer Terry Gross continued NPR's disproportionately Jewish news coverage by interviewing  the Southern Poverty Law Center's Jewish information and publications director Mark Potok in When Right-Wing Extremism Moves Mainstream.

The Southern Poverty Law Center is like the ADL a Jewish hate group that cloaks itself with civil rights advocacy. Officials from these two organizations should only be hosted on news programs with a strong caveat about racist Jewish agendas.

The SPLC endorses an American Jewish Committee distributed book entitled Antisemitism Today, whose cover rather unsubtly informs potential readers that the face of modern anti-Semitism is Arab.

Karin Friedemann had an illuminating exchange with Potok after she discussed Fusion centers in a Khaleej Times op-ed:
The WSJ also cites the SPLC in Nine Charged in Militia Plot:
Heidi Beirich, director of research for the Southern Poverty Law Center, Montgomery, Ala., said Hutaree [a Christian militia accused of plotting a violent anti-government offensive] has a MySpace page listing more than 300 "friends," some of which are members of other militia groups.
The association of the SPLC with this story is curious because another WSJ article entitled Militia Chief's Mistrust Festered, Friends Say refers to an undercover FBI agent within the Hutaree militia group just as FBI documents recently disclosed about the Oklahoma City bombing mention undercover surveillance in which the SPLC was involved.

In his NPR interview Potok associates the tea party movement with a resurgence of the extreme right because of Obama's race and because of passage of a national health care program. The NPR report on the whole argued that "extremism" is going mainstream among Republicans.

A resurgence is at least in part a matter of media definition, and over the past 15 years or so left-wing anti-Globalist demonstrations have often had violent incidents without similar claims that "extremism" is going mainstream among progressives.

In any case, one gets the impression that the SPLC has an interest in an increasing anger among disaffected groups and might even manipulate the FBI into making group members feel persecuted.  Then if violence breaks out, the SPLC works with disproportionately Jewish media gatekeepers to put out a call for a lot more contributions to deal with such violent outbreaks.

Yet this sort of fund-raising is probably only part of the story.

The Obama administration has been dealing with three potential major economic pitfalls:
The ultimate cost of the third is probably the least with more benefits for ordinary Americans.

Why has the tea party movement focused so much on "Obamacare"? Without a doubt the health care debate has distracted from the first two economic sink holes that have been disproportionately benefiting Jewish Zionists, but could there be more to the story like covert manipulation of tea party activists and groups?

Jewish Zionist networks of trust on Wall Street contribute a tremendous amount of money to the Israel lobby, which also benefits considerably from medical industry price-gouging. American media have completely failed to cover the Zionist aspect of opposition to a national health care program.

Health Care and the Israel Lobby
[Although Glenn Greenwald does not make the point directly, his article, The Right-Wing Need for Victimization and Israel, suggests another reason that the Zionism-susceptible segment of the extreme right focuses on health care and neither on corrupt Jewish Zionist social networks in the finance industry nor on the cost to the USA of the alliance with Israel.

As the right-wing becomes crazier and and more vicious, it needs even more to be able to fling accusations of anti-Semitism at its opponents to prove its own virtue to itself.

In addition, if tea party leaders criticized Jewish Zionist behavior that is the primary threat to the US economy, not only would the organized Jewish community target them with accusations of antisemitism, but powerful media Jews would starve them of any positive media coverage whatsoever.]

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[Boston Globe] The origins of a holy book

I have previously addressed issues of scriptural origins and the interrelations of the Abrahamic religions in the following blog entries:
Even though the Boston Globe article below describes critical analysis of the Quranic text as mostly an area or Western academic interest, there really is no reason why Muslim believers should not take part, and it is probably a threat to Islamic faith for Muslims to ignore this sort of research.

The origins of a holy book

Using ancient texts, scholars have begun an audacious effort to unravel the story of the Koran. What will they find?

(- Image by Earl & Nazima Kowall/CORBIS)
By Drake Bennett March 28, 2010 
Later this spring, a team of scholars at Germany’s Berlin-Brandenberg Academy of Sciences will complete the first phase of what will ultimately be an unprecedented, two-decade effort to throw light on the origins of the Koran.

The project, called the Corpus Coranicum, will be something that scholars of the Koran have long yearned for: a central repository of imagery, information, and analysis about the Muslim holy book. Modern research into Islam’s origin and early years has been hampered by the paucity and inaccessibility of ancient texts, and the reluctance of Muslim governments in places like Yemen to allow wide access to them.

But, drawing on some of the earliest Korans in existence — codices found in Istanbul, Cairo, Paris, and Morocco — the Corpus Coranicum will allow users to study for themselves images of thousands of pages of early Korans, texts that differ in small but potentially telling ways from the modern standard version. The project will also link passages in the text to analogous ones in the New Testament and Hebrew Bible, and offer an exhaustive critical commentary on the Koran’s language, structure, themes, and roots. The project’s creators are calling it the world’s first “critical edition” of the Koran, a resource that gathers historical evidence and scholarly literature into one searchable, cross-referenced whole.

[To read the entire article, click here.]

The article mentions eminent German Semitologist Gotthelf Bergsträsser. In Einführung in die Semitischen Sprachen, Munich, 1928, he disposes of an important Zionist lie when he describes Modern Hebrew on p. 47 as:

… ein Hebraisch, das in Wirklichkeit eine europäische Sprache mit durchsichtiger hebräischer Verkleidung ist … mit nur ganz äusserlich hebräischem Charakter. [… a Hebrew which is in reality a European language with a transparent Hebrew disguise …with only a purely superficial Hebrew character.]
Zionists did not actually revive some form of ancient Hebrew but instead created a sort of Esperanto that uses vocabulary based in various Hebrew dialects that have been preserved in Jewish religious texts.

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The World Zionism Has Created

Unfortunately, the reality of Jewish Zionist subversion of the US judicial and law enforcement system really is not funny at all despite the humor of the videoclip below.
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Monday, March 29, 2010

[Harun Yahiya] Philosphy of Zionism

I follow Harun Yahiya (Adnan Oktar) because I find his concept of a Turkish-Islamic Union to be interesting as a sort of Neo-Ottomanism.

This past August Maurice Pinay condemned him for meeting with members of the Jerusalem Sanhedrin:
It's difficult to believe at this late date that any Muslim or Arab could believe that Zionists would be pacified if Solomon's Temple was rebuilt, but that is the message that the 'anti-Zionist' Adnan Oktar aka Harun Yahyah is now peddling.
[To read the entire article click here.]

Because of such criticism it is worthwhile to examine Harun Yahiya's perspective on Zionism as it is summarized in the following videoclip.

[Note that the videoclip suffers from a form of translational hypercorrectness in which the Turkish word millet is consistently translated as nation even though the Ottoman sense of confessional community would have been more appropriate.]

My earlier blog entries addressing Harun Yahiya and his ideas include the following:
A few months later Harun Yahya met again with members of the Sanhedrin in Istanbul. See Bnei Noah Teachings in Turkey: Meeting and Interview with Adnan Oktar.

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Saturday, March 27, 2010

How Jews Cover For Zionism

March 21, I walked into a local coffee shop and found the following flier:

By any reasonable standard the State of Israel is a vile racist, murderous, genocidal entity founded in ethnic cleansing and maintained by violence and terrorism.

Israel represents a major threat to world peace. Thanks to the American Jewish community and the Israel Lobby the Zionist state parasitizes the USA at a rate of $60-100 billion per year in subsidies and at a total cost of $6-8 trillion (in 2002 dollars).

Yet neither stealing approximately $20,000 from every man, woman, and child resident in the USA nor the promise of continuing extortion into the foreseeable future is enough to satisfy Zionist rapaciousness.

In addition to looting the US economy, the Jewish Zionist political economic oligarchy and its intelligentsia use the State of Israel as the keystone in a vast thought control system that privileges Jews and especially their Zionist leadership over all other Americans.

As Samantha's text above indicates, even Jewish children are recruited to distract non-Jews from Zionist crimes and to keep the system of Jewish Zionist oppression in place and operating smoothly (while non-Jewish children are systematically brainwashed by Zionist texts infiltrated into the public school system).

In this case, Samantha Steefel is marketing the association of the criminal Zionist state with good causes like helping women that have suffered from breast cancer while Samantha Steefel's parents Carissa Channing-Steefel and Jeffrey Steefel are indoctrinating Samantha with the belief that Stolen and Occupied Palestine belongs to American Jews like Samantha Steefel and not to the native Palestinian population that has been oppressed and brutalized for so long by racist murderous genocidal Jewish Zionist invaders.

Carissa Channing was a wannabe actress, who has appeared in Frankenhooker and in Seinfeld episodes entitled The Keys and The Cigar Store Indian. She has also co-authored the book You Definitely Know You're A Mom When...

Carissa Channing-Steefel's husband Jeffrey seems to have made a lot of money in the videogame industry.

If the Steefels were decent people (and not so intimately connected with the Hollywood crowd), they would teach their daughters that Zionism, the State of Israel, and Jewish privilege or cheating are evils that decent Jews have an obligation to fight in every way possible.

Samantha should be out there raising money on behalf of Palestinians and working to put the Zionist plutocracy and intelligentsia in jail.

[Note that Jews do not have any history before the 19th century of extending philanthropy beyond their own community, and Jewish philanthropy like Jewish interfaith activities since the 19th century has generally been suffused with extremist racism and bigotry. See Long Version: Zionizing Muslims via Interfaith Dialogue, Massachusetts Zionists Humiliate Catholic Church,
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Jewish Zionists Don't Commit Terrorism?

Where is Homeland Security and the FBI in a clear cases of American Jewish material support for Zionist terrorism?

In a recent blog entry Phil Weiss points out the creepy  nature of American Jewish Zionist fund-raising for the IDF, which the Goldstone Report explicitly identified as a perpetrator of terrorism. (See [Buffalo News] Mideast peace prospects dim.)

Here are the images that Phil misplaced on his blog.


Shouldn't the Friends of the IDF and its supporters all be arrested for aiding and abetting terrorism? Could there be better evidence that the USA today is the Judenstaat par excellence?

If more proof is needed that today there is one law for Jews and another for everyone else in the USA, here is a scan of a recent fund-raising letter from The Israel Project (TIP). The text obliquely admits that the organization does not engage in education as a proper 501(c)(3) organization is supposed to do but instead is attempting to incite the American public against Iran:

Your tax-deductible commitment of $1,800, $500, $360, or whatever you can afford will allow TIP to make sure the media and millions of people around the world understand the real threat in the Middle East is Iran.
The figures 18,000 and 360 are chosen becausethe numerology for alive in Hebrew ( חַי ) comes out to 18. These numbers as well as jewelry that includes the word  חַי are implicit references to the slogan עַם יִשְׂרָאֵל חַי or the people of Israel (is) alive. With this phrase Zionists express an idea comparable to the German Nazi thousand-year Reich.

In short, it is hard to see either the Friends of the IDF or the Israel Project could ever be granted 501(c)(3) status under the tax code unless the IRS is thoroughly subverted by Zionists.

Jewish Zionist penetration of the IRS and other government organizations is long standing. As a result Jews typically have an advantage over non-Jews in tax, legal, regulatory, and many other matters in which US law requires a level playing field.

The ADL documents the disparity between government treatment of Zionist and non-Zionist organization in its Backgrounder: The Council for the National Interest (CNI):
CNI and CNIF are closely linked, sharing leadership, as well as a Washington DC address and phone number. CNI founders, Paul Findley and Paul 'Pete' McCloskey, are the founders of CNIF, and the president of both entities is Eugene H. Bird. CNI, which was founded in 1989 as an advocacy group, established the CNIF 1990 to serve as its educational arm. In 1997, CNIF obtained a tax-exemption status from the Internal Revenue Services (in 1994, the IRS explained that it was rejecting the CNIF's petition for a tax-exemption status because: "your biased presentation does not promote public education."). In its 2006 990 form, CNIF lists the CNI as an affiliated organization. 
On August 28, 2008, the final day of the Democratic National Convention in Denver, CNI ran an ad in the Denver Post and Rocky Mountain News highlighting high home foreclosure rates in the U.S. and charging that "meanwhile, billions of your tax dollars continue to purchase beautiful homes with subsidized mortgages… in Israel." Insinuating that U.S. taxpayer dollars are helping Israelis afford their homes even while Americans cannot, the ad called for a "big change" in U.S. policy towards "Israel and her neighbors." CNI ran a similar ad in Christian Science Monitor the same day. 
CNI has run inflammatory anti-Israel ads in major national newspapers since 2002. On June 10, 2007, CNI published an ad in The New York Times in support of an anti-Israel rally held that same day in Washington D.C.  The ad demanded: "End the Israeli occupation now!" calling for Israel to "get out of the West Bank and Golan Heights, and free up Gaza." The ad also included a cartoon that CNI described, in a June 6, 2007 email letter to supporters, as depicting "the top six presidential contenders scrambling to get to an AIPAC podium to express their 'undying support' to the state of Israel." A caption in the cartoon said: "They're competing for the president of which country?" 
In a previous ad in The New York Times, published April 22, 2007, CNI condemned Israel, calling on Congress to "deal with Israeli apartheid in Palestine!" This ad further condemned U.S. support for what it claimed were "Israel's policies of colonization, Apartheid and imprisonment of the Palestinians," which, according to the ad, were "making the two-state solution to the conflict impossible." The ad avoided any condemnation of terrorism. Rather, it called for an overhaul of U.S. policy in the Middle East, including financing the Hamas-led Palestinian government and starting a dialogue with Syria and Iran.
Prior to that, in an ad that it published in The New York Times on November 5, 2006, CNI blamed Israel for the war in Iraq and accused the "Israel Lobby" of trying to of push the U.S. into a military confrontation with Iran. The ad included a cartoon in which the "Israel Lobby" is depicted as a crooked used cars salesman and the U.S. as its gullible customer. As in other CNI ads, the cartoon was created by Khalil Bendib, a prolific Muslim-American cartoonist whose work often incorporates anti-Semitic themes.
As the above text indicates, CNI/CNIF materials are actually rather wimpy in comparison with the anti-Iran war-mongering that TIP has generated in the past and that the organization continues to produce in its ongoing anti-Iran campaign. Despite the perfunctory claim to desire a non-military resolution, the TIP advertisement below is probably the most blatant pro-war incitement to appear in US media since the lead up to the Spanish-American war.
No matter how much racism or militarist propaganda a Zionist organization spews, it never has any difficulty in obtaining and in keeping 501(c)(3) status.

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

[Aljazeera] US-Israel: Unsettled dispute

When Ali Abunimah states in the following Aljazeera interview that the Jewish history of Jerusalem cannot be denied, I as a Harvard and Yale trained specialist in Judaic studies have to disagree.

The Judaic history of Jerusalem cannot be denied, but that history is not congruent with Jewish history which only starts in the 10th century thanks to the efforts of Saadya Gaon and his colleagues.

Among Jews the ethnic Ashkenazi connection to Jerusalem is particularly tenuous. Relevant blog entries are listed below.

Questionable Jewish Connection to Jerusalem

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Is Baeckeoffe (Baeckeoffa) Cholent (Schalet, טשאָלנט)?

I have put a recipe for Baeckeoffe at Best of Many Alsatian Specialties is a Mixed Meat and Vegetable Casserole. It comes from an article that Roy Andries de Groot wrote for an early 1980s edition of the Chicago Tribune.

Whenever I read it, I always think of  cholent or -- more properly -- the German Jewish version called Schalet, which is discussed in Heinrich Heine and EAAZI.

Lindy disagrees in Hey, Back off!, but I suspect she is unfamiliar with Schalet.

From descriptions that I have read in responsa (teshuvot, תשובות, the Jewish equivalent of Islamic fatawa, فتاوى) and other Jewish documents from before the 20th century, the practice of bringing a cholent pot to the bakery to keep warm was rather common among German Jews and Eastern European ethnic Ashkenazim in the past.

Uncooked vegetable cholent.

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Two Stories About Religious Conversion

From Tikkun Daily:

Minarets and the Conversion of a Swiss Politician: Separating Facts from Fantasy
by: Jason Hamza van Boom on February 5th, 2010
[This story also appears  at Illume Magazine, an American Muslim news site.]
The recent passage of a ban on the construction of minarets in Switzerland has a very interesting side story. A member of the political party that pushed for the minaret ban announced that he had become a Muslim. Outside of Switzerland, the mainstream media has ignored this. Muslims around the world, however, have picked up on this story, circulating it on blogs and on Facebook. In the process, however, the story has become distorted into a fairly bizarre shape, and so creating some confusion. Meanwhile, at least one anti-Muslim blog has picked up on the story. Looking at the comments it appears that some opponents of Muslim immigration want to dismiss the fact of his conversion all together. Nevertheless, it is a verifiable fact that a Swiss elected official belonging to the Swiss People’s Party - the principal backer of the minaret ban - converted to Islam.
Daniel Streich, who holds an elected local office and was a long time member of the Swiss People’s Party, announced his resignation from his party. He had been a devout, bible-reading and church-going Christian. Two years ago, however, he converted to Islam. He kept his conversion under wraps. The Swiss People’s Party’s recent campaign against minarets, however, became too much for Streich. He made his conversion public, and denounced the campaign as a“witch hunt”.
To read the entire story click here.
From The New York Times (Feb. 28, 2010):
Changing Face in Poland: Skinhead Puts on Skullcap
Adam Lach for The New York Times
Pawel in the Warsaw synagogue. A former truck driver and neo-Nazi skinhead, Pawel, 33, has since become an Orthodox Jew, covering his shaved head with a yarmulke and shedding his fascist ideology for the Torah.


Published: February 27, 2010
WARSAW — When Pawel looks into the mirror, he can still sometimes see a neo-Nazi skinhead staring back, the man he was before he covered his shaved head with a skullcap, traded his fascist ideology for the Torah and renounced violence and hatred in favor of God.
“I still struggle every day to discard my past ideas,” said Pawel, a 33-year-old ultra-Orthodox Jew and former truck driver, noting with little irony that he had to stop hating Jews in order to become one. “When I look at an old picture of myself as a skinhead, I feel ashamed. Every day I try and do teshuvah,” he said, using the Hebrew word for repentance. “Every minute of every day. There is a lot to make up for.”

To read the entire story click here.
I may be cynical, but I cannot help but suspect that Pawel/Pinchas will profit a lot more from his conversion than Daniel Streich will from his.
[The recently published book Microtrends by Penn and Zalesne discusses Pro-Semitism in modern culture.]

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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Greek Sympathy for Palestinians

Perhaps a common ground on which Greeks and Turks can resolve their differences.

All decent human beings should hate and despise Zionists, Zionist fellow travelers, and Zionist useful idiots.
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Monday, March 01, 2010

[PinaTV] "Sleepless in Gaza...and Jerusalem" Press Release

"Sleepless in Gaza...and Jerusalem" Press Release

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

On March 1st -- this coming Monday-- the premier episode of a 90 part series, "Sleepless in Gaza...and Jerusalem" will be launched on YouTube. It will be a video diary about four young Palestinian women, Muslim and Christian, two living in Gaza and two in Arab Jerusalem/West Bank.

PINA TV Production camera crews will be covering Ashira Ramadan, a broadcast journalist based in Jerusalem; Ashira's friend in Gaza, the documentary film maker Nagham Mohanna; Donna Maria Mattas, a 17 year-old student at the Holy Family school in Gaza who dreams of growing up to be a journalist, and Ala' Khayo Mkari who works with Caritas in Jerusalem.
The intention of this series is neither rant nor rhetoric. It is rather an opportunity for all of us, who do not live in Gaza, occupied Arab Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank, to grasp how these four young Palestinian women live out their daily lives, precisely because their lives are stories we journalists were taught almost dismissively to think of as "human interest" and almost necessarily conflict driven.

How, as human beings, these four Palestinians can also experience moments of personal and community achievement, and the warmth of friends and family life that in real life is possible even in the most difficult circumstances of siege and occupation.

Each episode runs 26 minutes and will be shot in Jerusalem/West Bank and Gaza, edited and uploaded the same day. So you will find a new sequence six days a week at On Friday, we all rest.

A "Sleepless..." trailer should be up on YouTube by the time you receive this letter. We also have just set up "Sleepless in Gaza...and Jerusalem" on Facebook. It's got such a long URL that Facebookers should note-- just type in “Sleepless in Gaza...and Jerusalem” in the Facebook search and you will be home. We don't have our own domain website yet, but our partners PINA TV Productions' website will serve as such for the time being at

This is a personal note as much as it is a press release, so it is going out on my email but after today you can reach us at

Please pass this letter on to your friends on email and to organizations that believe in peace on earth and good will to all, that they too might spread the word.


Abdallah Schleifer
for Radiant Circle Productions and PINA

For more information on Abdallah Schleifer, see:

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