Boston Chapter
100 Malcolm X Boulevard, Roxbury, MA
I believe I am using Herzl's sense of Judenstaat. Jewish state would be Juedischer Staat.
(1) Does the OSI (Office of Special Investigations) only prosecute non-Jews? Can non-Jewish Eastern Europeans or Palestinians receive any justice from the US DOJ?
(2) Why has not FIDF :: Friends of the Israel Defense Forces been shut down, why have not its assets been seized, and why have not its senior officials been arrested for providing material support for Israeli state terrorism? In fact are not practically the entire organized institutional Jewish community and all Israel advocacy organizations providing material aid to terrorism? Should not they all be shut down, why have not their assets been seized, and why have not their senior officials been arrested?
(3) Is the FBI going to start enforcing 18 USC 241 on behalf of Arab and Muslim Americans as it did for African Americans in the past?
(4) Should not the General Accounting Office be investigating the USCCR (United States Commission on Civil Rights) for possible gross misuse of government funds? Should not Attorney General Mukasey, who is himself a racist Zionist extremist, be investigating Abigail Thernstrom, Kenneth Marcus and the other Jewish members and staff of the USCCR for criminal violation of Conspiracy Against Rights (18 USC 241.) At a time of war, might not Thernstrom and Marcus' actions constitute Seditious Conspiracy (US CODE: Title 18,2384. Seditious Conspiracy)?
Why is the government engaging in malicious prosecution of loyal Muslim American citizens for their efforts to aid poor and oppressed Palestinians under brutal genocidal Zionist siege when racist extremist Zionists are subverting the US government in order support Zionism to the detriment of US interests? Should not Zionist sedition be the target of US investigation?
(5) Why do organizations like the AJCommittee, AJCongress, the ADL, etc. still have 501(c)(3) status? Is it not reasonable to consider the possibility of conspiracy and racketeering that reaches into the federal government including federal law enforcement?
(6) Is the SEC and the FBI investigating for possible civil and criminal SEC violations related to Zionist Jewish covert networks on Wall Street?
(7) Why are the FBI and the IRS not investigating Wexner and Harvard University for Zionism-related civil and criminal violations related to the tax code, racism and conspiracy to commit crimes?
The Discussion
I am irritated by OSI because nowadays it seems to prosecute people that were basically teen-agers working as janitors or equivalent to feed their families during WWII.
Zajanckauskas, Henss, Selective Prosecution and Equal Protection
The Functions Manual: Criminal Division of the DOJ (http://www.usdoj.gov/jmd/mps/manual/crm.htm) says the following on the Office of Special Investigations.
Special investigations - since its creation in 1979, the Office of Special Investigations has been responsible for detecting, investigating, and taking legal action to denaturalize and/or deport persons who took part in Nazi-sponsored acts of persecution committed abroad during the period 1933-45 and, since December 2004, also for detecting, investigating, and taking legal action to denaturalize persons who participated abroad in acts of genocide or in acts of torture or extrajudicial killings committed under color of foreign law.
Source: Boston Globe | Date: Sep 29, 2007 | By: Linda Matchan
...would make him the oldest person ever deported as a result of an investigation by the Justice Department's Office of Special Investigations. To OSI officials, this is a story of justice served, a textbook case of a Nazi collaborator who managed...
Federal officials say 85-year-old Lawrenceville man was WWII Nazi concentration camp guard
According Justice Department and Homeland Security officials, Paul Henss, an 85-year-old German citizen living in Gwinnett County, guarded prisoners "at the notorious Dachau and Buchenwald Concentration Camps in Nazi Germany."
(1) Does the OSI only prosecute non-Jews? Can non-Jewish Eastern Europeans or Palestinians receive any justice from the US DOJ?
In Shock Therapy Comes to America I wrote the following:
There used to be an argument that anti-terrorism laws applied only in the case of non-state terrorist groups, but Congress is in the process of recommending in Sec. 2 Findings of S.970 Iran Counter-Proliferation Act of 2007 (Introduced in Senate):(8) The Secretary of State should designate the Iranian Revolutionary Guards as a Foreign Terrorist Organization under section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1189) and the Secretary of the Treasury should place the Iranian Revolutionary Guards on the list of Specially Designated Global Terrorists under Executive Order 13224 (66 Fed. Reg. 186; relating to blocking property and prohibiting transactions with persons who commit, threaten to commit, or support terrorism).By any objective standard the IDF is much more a terrorist organization than the IRG. If Iran is a terrorist state, Israel is much more so, and anti-terrorism laws are being enforced unequally between Jews and non-Jews.The [Holy Land Foundation] defendants' attorneys should be able to make a case either for striking down the anti-terrorism laws entirely or for forcing the US government to prosecute Israel-supporters, Israel advocacy organizations, and pro-Israel groups within the organized Jewish community for giving material aid to terrorism.If a prosecutor refrains from prosecuting Jewish terrorism supporters because of his own support for Zionism or for Jewish tribalism, he may himself be guilty of a prosecutable infraction like obstruction of justice. Such a government prosecutor should at the very least be dismissed from government service.
(2) Why has not FIDF :: Friends of the Israel Defense Forces been shut down, why have not its assets been seized, and why have not its senior officials been arrested?
In fact practically the entire organized institutional Jewish community and all Israel advocacy organizations are providing material aid to terrorism. Should not they all be shut down, why have not their assets been seized, and why have not their senior officials been arrested?
I wrote in Conspiracy Against Rights in NYC:
When asked about the term intifada, Almontaser explained the meaning of the Arabic word but failed to swear loyalty to the State of Israel and to condemn Palestinians for struggling against Zionist oppression, which is often worse than anything that took place in Apartheid South Africa or in the Jim Crow South according to both South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu and also former US President Jimmy Carter.
(Supporting Zionism and the State of Israel is not a requirement for US citizens no matter how much Israel-firsters attempt to operate as if it is.)
Jewish-dominated media companies like the NY Sun, Post, and Daily News then colluded with the "Stop-the-Madrassa" campaign to incite hysteria. Eventually, Jewish NYC mayor Bloomberg and Jewish Chancellor of NYC Schools Klein gave the principal the option of resigning for the sake of her school. In response to the intense pressure, to which she have been subjected, she complied.
When supporters, including many Jews, who took part in Interfaith activities, encouraged her to press a lawsuit to reclaim her job, the Jewish judge Sidney Stein "ruled that Almontaser's free-speech rights could not have been violated since she was speaking as a school employee - not a private citizen - when she gave the interview."
Let's ignore the judge's decision that Almontaser could be fired simply for defining or translating a word. Isn't there something just a wee bit wrong with this picture?
Isn't the Almontaser case just another case of a conspiracy by Jewish racists to deny Muslim and Arab Americans their rights as Americans to free expression, to work and to take part fully in American society and politics?
A network of Jewish groups and individuals are working throughout the country to disenfranchise Arab and Muslim Americans from Boston (the Roxbury Mosque Conflict) to LA (the LA Eight), in Texas (the HLF shutdown and trial), and in Florida (the persecution of Sami el-Arian) as well as to drive them both from politics (attacks on Ken Ellison for his practice of Islam) and also from academia (efforts to prevent Arab and Muslim American scholars like Rashid Khalidi, Hamid Dabashi, Joseph Massad, Nadia Abu el Haj, and Wadie Said from having a voice at US universities).
The treatment of Almontaser is a violation of US federal criminal code Title 18 Section 241 "Conspiracy against rights (18 USC 241). Patriotic Jewish and non-Jewish Americans, who support the Constitution and whose primary national and political loyalties lie with the USA and not with some foreign country, must take a stand against Jewish and Zionist extremists that for the sake of the State of Israel or Jewish tribalism are trying to steal the country from us. Otherwise, we will wake up to find that we are no longer living in a democratic America based on US Constitutional principles.
(3) Is the FBI going to start enforcing 18 USC 241 on behalf of Arab and Muslim Americans as it did for African Americans in the past?
Obsession, Thernstrom, Stern, EMET, USCCR discusses probably criminal violations and criminal conspiracy at the USCCR:
Who is Sarah Stern?
The document USCCR document Campus Anti-Semitism gives her biography. On p. 74, it identifies her as the Director, Office of Governmental and Public Affairs, American Jewish Congress, and points out on p. 75 that she has left the AJCongress to establish the think tank and policy center named the Endowment for Middle East [Truth] (EMET). This latter organization has worked with Aish haTorah and probably funded the effort to disseminate tens of millions of copies of the propaganda DVD Obsession, Radical Islam's War against the West, in order
- to influence the presidential election,
- to incite racism and Islamophobia against Muslim Americans and Muslims in general for the purpose of marginalizing American Muslims in the US political system, and
- (quite probably) to distract from the role that Aish haTorah and other Jewish social networking has played in the Wall Street meltdown.
(4) Should not the General Account Office be investigating the USCCR for possible gross misuse of government funds? Should not Attorney General Mukasey, who is himself a racist Zionist extremist, be investigating Thernstrom, Marcus and the Jewish members and staff of the USCCR for criminal violation of Conspiracy Against Rights (18 USC 241) At a time of war, might not Thernstrom and Marcus' actions constitute Seditious Conspiracy (US CODE: Title 18,2384. Seditious Conspiracy)?
Why is the government engaging in malicious prosecution of loyal Muslim American citizens for their efforts to aid poor and oppressed Palestinians under brutal genocidal Zionist siege when racist extremist Zionists are subverting the US government to the detriment of US interests? Should not Zionist sedition be the target of US investigation? (See Holy Land Foundation (Re)trial: THE ILLOGIC OF THE HLF PROSECUTION SUMMED UP IN ONE QUESTION..)
The pattern of Zionism and Israel advocacy related FEC rule violations hardly ends with Aish haTorah. Practically all institutional Jewish organizations routinely violate FEC and IRS rules. (See Internal Memo Takes on Obama's Approach to Middle East - Forward.com".) (5) Why do organizations like the AJCommittee, AJCongress, the ADL, etc. still have 501(c)(3) status? Is it not reasonable to consider the possibility of conspiracy and racketeering that reaches into the federal government including federal law enforcement?
Careful analysis of the information that has appeared in the media about Aish haTorah and its wealthy donors suggests that the organization may have been involved in passing insider information. I have spoken with finance industry professionals that have described vast Zionist Jewish networks whose members protect each other and engage in legally questionable collusive behavior. (6) Is the SEC and the FBI investigating for possible civil and criminal SEC violations related to Zionist Jewish covert networks on Wall Street?
By means of the the Harvard Wexner Israel Fellowship, which violates the anti-racist principles of Bob Jones Univ. v. United States, 461 U. S. 574 (1983), Leslie Wexner has enmeshed Harvard University and Harvard donors in an immense conspiracy to commit tax fraud in the service of Zionism. The violation is not complex. (7) Why are the FBI and the IRS not investigating Wexner and Harvard University for Zionism-related civil and criminal violations related to the tax code, racism and conspiracy to commit crimes? These types of infractions of civil code and criminal law may be endemic throughout the US university system.
I have just found your blog. I am really impressed with it and will put you on my side-bar. Great Information!!
Beautiful, beautiful.. Praise God. We are getting the point, and now we can make the right arguments! I know Joachim's work, and he's a beast on these issues!!!!!! (a good thing). God bless him. He's an inspiration. "ONE nation, under God, with liberty and justice for ALL!" Get'm Joachim! Make them live up to the promise! My prayers are with you. One day, insha Allah the US Muslim community will know the great and hard work this brother has done for years, and now he is being heard. He is one of our until now, unknown heroes. May God bless him.
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