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Monday, August 24, 2009

US Government: More Zionist Subversion

Karin Friedemann and I have covered Zionist penetration and subversion of the US government in many blog entries: [Uncut Version] Conspiracies involve lower US Officials.

Now provides yet more evidence of Israel-related governmental corruption as well as the details of yet another economic subsidy that probably combines with many similar such "gifts" to total approximately half of the Israeli GDP: Forbes: Zionist Ethnonational Financial Warfare.

“Where does the hatred come from?”

By Eli Clifton and Daniel Luban

This fall, U.S. law enforcement personnel will have their final chance to take advantage of a rare opportunity. Participants will travel to Israel to receive “homeland security training,” but the counterterrorism briefings and martial arts practice sessions are only one part of the package. The program also includes visits to Christian religious sites in the Holy Land — an aspect likely to be especially attractive to Christian Zionists — along with other sites such as the Knesset and the Israeli “security fence”.

The Israel program is run by Security Solutions International (SSI), a group that has attracted controversy due to its ties to Islamophobic propaganda groups — as well as its apparent view that indoctrinating first responders with alarmist information about Islam is an essential part of counterterrorism training.

Most striking of all, the SSI Israel trip is funded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. DHS’s funding of this venture is a concrete illustration of the ways that Islamophobic fringe groups have exploited the “global war on terror” for their own purposes.
[To read the entire article, click here.]

I am not sure why Clifton and Luban are suggesting that SSI and the also mentioned Clarion Fund are Islamophobic fringe groups. As far as I can tell they network with some of the wealthiest and most politically powerful Jewish Zionist individuals and groups in the country (including the main contributers to the Republican Jewish Coalition).

That issue aside, there are so many ways that the US government subsidizes the State of Israel that a narrow boycott targeting direct aid to settlement building would have no effect whatsoever.

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