The latest 'Dreyfus affair?'
- Author: Lisa Hostein
- Filed under: Anti-Semitism, France, Media
Aug 4,2008First the al-Dura affair, now a to-do about the firing of a French columnist for his purported anti-Semitic rantings. The French media has been filled with self-examination this summer, much of it related to Jewish affairs.
In the al-Dura affair, the French press questioned its role after a court ruled in favor of a media watchdog who had challenged the authenticity of a French TV broadcast of an alleged Israeli shooting of a 12-year-old Palestinian boy.
Now, a French columnist has become the new cause celebre after he was fired for a series of writings that started with an offensive piece about Nicolas Sarkozy's son's engagement to a Jewish heiress.
NYTimes columnist Roger Cohen says the issue could be shaping up to be another Dreyfus Affair, which has become the code word to describe a Jew being unjustly accused of something.
Here's how Cohen describes it:
It's not quite the Dreyfus Affair, at least not yet. But France is divided again over power and the Jews.
While the United States has been debating The New Yorker's caricature of Barack Obama as a Muslim, France has gone off the deep end over a brief item in the country's leading satirical magazine portraying the relationship between President Nicolas Sarkozy's fast-rising son, Jean, and his Jewish fiancée.
The offending piece in Charlie Hebdo, a pillar of the left-libertarian media establishment, was penned last month by a 79-year-old columnist-cartoonist who goes by the name of Bob Siné. He described the plans — since denied — of Jean Sarkozy, 21, to convert to Judaism before marrying Jessica Sebaoun-Darty, an heiress to the fortune of the Darty electrical goods retailing chain.
"He'll go far in life, this little fellow!" Siné wrote of Sarkozy Jr.
He added, in a separate item on whether Muslims should abandon their traditions, that: "Honestly, between a Muslim in a chador and a shaved Jewess, my choice is made!"
Elie Wiesel and Bernard-Henri Lévy have weighed in on the case, which appears to be reverberating across Europe.
Cohen comes out staunchly against Sine's firing, opting for free speech over martyrdom. Read his whole column.
The Karsenty story is an obsession among Zionist Jewish extremists that fail to understand that Karsenty could be wrong yet innocent of libel.
The French discussion of La Affaire Siné can be found at Val-Siné : Une affaire française | AgoraVox.
Bob Siné's sarcasm was innocuous but somewhat understandable because of President Sarkozy's Holocaust ideas and pro-Israel foreign policy.
The possible influence of Jewish family members on Sarkozy and the foreign policy he develops is genuinely a legitimate concern for the French public.
Wealthy Jews of Polish Jewish heritage have a history of giving daughters as concubines or mistresses to important and powerful non-Jews in order to close lucrative business deals and to gain political or economic influence. The most famous example of such a liason comes in the story of Esterke and the Polish king Casimir the Great (1310-70). In the Soviet Union, non-Jewish members of Stalin's inner circle often had Jewish wives that exerted strong political influence over their husbands. (See also Emancipation of Jews and Women for a brief discussion Jewish women and feminism.)
I mention Esterke briefly in "Jews and Power" versus "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy".
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casimir the great and the jewish wives of stalinists are of great concern to the french public?
are you smoking crack?
No, but the various ways in which Jewish special interests might attempt to manipulate the French government should certainly be of interest to the French public, and strategic marriage or concubinage has certainly been a long established technique used by Jews (as well as the European aristocracy) to gain influence.
Bella gerant alii, tu felix Austria nube applies just as much to the (nowadays Zionist) Jewish plutocracy as it did to the Habsburgs.
name one incident of jewish strategic marriage since 1950 that has been used to influence national or international politics.
the allegation is antisemitic in nature.
i friggin' detest zionism, but you're reaching so hard you're being idiotic.
I would have to do more research, but certainly Martin Peretz' and Cameron Kerry's marriages seem to have important strategic political aspects.
About 24 years ago the Bostoner Rebbe helped set up a marriage between a Syrian Jewish advanced Rabbinical student at the Lakewood Yeshiva and a crypto-Jewish Egyptian gal. The marriage involved a lot of money and an important connection into the Egyptian elite.
I mention some of the issues in The Russian Oligarchs.
Strategic marriage may be as important among Jews today as it was among German Jews in Wilhelmian Germany and as it was among Soviet Jews during the first decades of the Soviet Union.
It may even be a more powerful tool of Judonian manipulation now that people who mention it get accused of anti-Semitism.
wow, i had no idea you were so far out there. good lord.
after glancing at that document i pretty much have nothing more to ad. you've crossed the bridge of madness.
btw--while it's certainly true that some zionists will use the charge of antisemitism to delegitimize perfectly reasonable criticisms of israel and zionist belief, to always characterize the charge of antisetism itself as a jewish plot is likewise an act of antisemitism. especially when it's true.
The Imran Khan/Jemima Goldsmith marriage may also have been an example of a Jewish strategic liason -- not on the part of Jemima, who is not particularly political, but on the part of her relatives that represent an important force within the British political economic elite.
From the Goldsmiths' standpoint having the means to influence an apparently rising star in Pakistani politics was very important.
Even though the marriage came to nothing and Imran's political career has stalled, the political economic arrangement could have meant a tremendous increase in power for Jemima's relatives.
Mail Online has provided a recent update on Imran.
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