Far too many Jewish and Israeli advocacy groups are working hard to convince Arabs and Muslims that the USA is Islamophobia central right when America desperately needs Arab and Muslim investments to provide some relief for the economic damage caused by policies crafted by Zionist Neocons acting as a Jewish special interest.
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Here is a recent example of Jewish bigots trying to drive out developers and investors for issues of race and religion.
- Jewish lobby threatens Candy brothers' US deal
- People: Candy brothers told to come clean on sheikh
- Strange Candy
Because the third item accuses the Arabic newspaper al-Watan of anti-Semitic cartoons because it is anti-Israel (as all decent people should be), I have included below some fairly typical anti-Arab, anti-Muslim, anti-Iranian and anti-Palestinian cartoons appearing in US newspapers so that the reader may contrast them with the ADL selection in Strange Candy.
I included the Ramirez "Hate" cartoon not because it was bigoted but because Ramirez is fairly infamous for right-wing Zionist prejudice. Yet in this cartoon, he considered it reasonable to identify the stereotypical Jew (or Jewish Israeli) via traditional Eastern European Hassidic garb. Big or hooked noses are also used as stereotypical of Arabs and Muslims as much as of Jews as the cartoons below show.
Last time I looked, the US Constitution did not require Americans to support Zionism, and I am becoming sick and tired of pro-Israel thought control coming from Israel advocates and the organized Jewish community.
From Seattle Washington Post Intelligencer
Iranians as cockroaches spreading out from a sewer
Ramirez in the LA Times ("Worshiping their God -- Hate")
Chuck Asay 8-26-06
Ramirez, 2-12-07 (Newspaper reads Congress undercuts war effort.)
Paul Nowak, 4-1-07