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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Zionist Internet Censorship Never Stops

Angus Cook sent me a CC of the letter included at the end of this blog entry.

His correspondence with journalist Philip Weiss is representative of general and ongoing effort by Zionists to control discourse on the Internet by creating a perception that critics of Israel are so vile and contemptible that they are beyond the pale of acceptable discourse.

For the record, I do not remember any reference to Freemasons in the 9/11 Missing Links online video, but I may not have been listening carefully enough.

Unlike the video producers, I consider Zohan to be an anti-Zionist film.

In any case and more importantly -- because of the long history of Zionist false flag operations -- the video's hypothesis that the 9/11 attack was at least in part the result of Zionist agents provocateurs simply cannot be dismissed out of hand.

Because of Cook's letter, I listened to the video again but somewhat more carefully. I have to admit that I was fascinated by the discussion of the Danny Pearl kidnapping because it explains why the kidnappers chose Pearl as a target instead of Richard Behar.

If the 9/11 money trail ended not with Islamists but with Zionists, if Zionist agents provocateurs were involved in the planning and undertaking of the 9/11 attacks, and if Pearl was about to find the smoking gun of Zionist involvement in 9/11 (or an Israeli intelligence agent believed he was), Zionist agents provocateurs could have decided that Pearl had to die and could easily have transmitted to the kidnappers the relatively obscure historical information

  • that identifies Pearl's great-grandfather as a Zionist founding father and
  • that was practically guaranteed to enrage the kidnappers to murder.
Puppet masters in Israeli intelligence could also have set in motion the event sequence leading to the creation of the Daniel Pearl Foundation, which has become an extraordinary Zionist propaganda organization. (See Daniel Pearl Foundation Honors Sandel and In the Company of Arabophobes and Islamophobes.)

Here is Cook's email.

Dear Philip [Weiss],

Yesterday Joachim Martillo posted multiple links on his website to a video which claims that Jews and Freemasons were, amongst other things, behind the 9/11 atrocities. The conveniently anonymous "Guest" who submitted the accompanying text, conveniently claims to have "only skimmed the video", but also reveals a close familiarity with its content — which is antisemitic to the core.

You can take my word for this, or take the trouble to watch it. Either way, your linking [on your website Mondoweiss] to "Ethnic Ashkenazim Against Zionist Israel" amounts to your endorsement of a hate site.

With regards

Angus Cook

Click here for another blog entry on 9/11 Missing Links Video. Sphere: Related Content