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Sunday, August 10, 2008

LAST Drawing by Ahmad Hussam

Murdered in Ni'lin: July 29, 2008
Circulated by Enas Muthaffar on Facebook

Ahmad Hussam was murdered on July 29th. 2008 at about 18:05

Ahmad was killed as he demonstrated with others against the separation wall which is being constructed on the lands of his village: Ni'lin. A member of the Israeli Border Police aimed his rifle and fired a live bullet. Shot from a distance of 10 meters, the bullet entered Ahmad's forehead and exited through the back of his skull. One eye witness told me: "I saw Ahmad few seconds before he was shot- he was adjusting his slippers to run away with the others." I saw parts of Ahmad's skull on the ground (where he was shot) - I took photographs, but will not be able to include them in this note. During my last visit to Ni'lin, Ahmad's teacher showed me his last drawing (see below): The kid dreamed that Palestinians and Israelis will one day coexist peacefully.

"The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage.”

© Ahmad Hussam. Murdered in Ni'lin on July 29th. 2008

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