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Friday, August 15, 2008

Sun. Aug. 10 Darfur Meeting Report

by David Rolde
BAZA members and friends, Joachim, Karin, Elaine, and I met with Dr Samina Khan at Joachim & Karin's house on Sunday. Jeff Klein & Hayat Imam from Dorchester People for Peace were also there.  Dr Khan is from Pakistan and is a doctor, a kidney specialist, living in Newton.  She just returned from a trip to Al-Fashir, the capital of North Darfur.

Dr Khan reported that things are peaceful in Al-Fashir.  She remarked that the level of intellectual discourse of the people there is extremely high and that women there play prominent roles and are outspoken.  Dr Khan told us that she spoke with people from several different organizations and perspectives, but that everyone she spoke  with was against the threatened ICC [International Criminal Court] indictment of President Bashir and against foreign intervention in Darfur.  The aid NGOs have become an industry there.  Dr Khan visited the hospital there and discovered that the equipment there was no good. She asked President Bashir to provide a new dialysis machine, and it was delivered the next week. Dr Khan visited a government-run IDP [Internally Displaced Personnel] camp and reported that while it was obviously a camp, conditions were pretty good and the children there were going to school.

Karin & Joachim videotaped Dr Khan's talk.  Karin told me she plans to watch the tape and write something up about it.
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