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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Real Issue of Nuclear Iran

Alan Hart summarizes succinctly the real issue of an Iran with nuclear capabilities in his movie review "Farewell Israel": Myth and Reality:

Perhaps without realising that he has let a great, big cat out of the bag, Joel Gilbert [director of the documentary film FAREWELL ISRAEL, Bush, Iran and The Revolt of Islam] has provided the answer. He says (my emphasis added): "Even without attacking Israel, the mere capabilty of Iranian missiles to lay waste to Tel Aviv would create a 'strategic umbrella,' preventing Israel from using its superior strategic assets in a conventional war. With Israeli missiles neutralised, Muslim countries could overwhelm Israel with their superior numbers, conventional armor and short range missiles."

And that's the real point. Israel's military leaders and their political yes-men don't believe, and never have believed, that Iran, if it possessed nuclear weapons, would unleash them in a first strike against the Zionist state. The real problem for its leaders is that the moment Israel ceased to be the only nuclear-armed power in the region, would be the moment it lost its ability to impose its will on the region. And actually the world.
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