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Monday, July 14, 2008

Worshipping the New Jewish Elite

Phil Weiss has discussed the New Jewish Elite on his Mondoweiss Blog, and recently he added an entry on Journalism's Old-Boy-Network and Zionism.

Boston Magazine's July issue includes an article entitled Seeking: Nosy Jewish Moms that provides some strong circumstantial evidence both of

  • the Jewish old boys (and girls) network in the news industry as well as of 
  • the elite status of the American Jewish community. 

Could the article possibly have been published without such a Jewish journalistic network? Would anyone care about the topic if Jews did not constitute the New American Elite?

I can't find a shred of news or even interesting feature information in the article except perhaps the paragraph:

Simcha members continue to meet monthly at Gewirtz's home, matching everyone they can: singles, divorcees, widowers of all ages. (Sorry, no goyim allowed.) They can't yet boast a marriage, but they're optimistic.

Would a white gentile matchmaking coffee klatsch with no successes merit a feature article in Boston Magazine?

How would the writer have treated such a gentile group if it applied a rule to disqualify blacks as marriage candidates?

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