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Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Haaretz: Yad Vashem draws fire over 'discrimination' against saviors of ex-Jews

The Haaretz article Yad Vashem draws fire over 'discrimination' against saviors of ex-Jews fails to address the basic ideological reason for Yad Vashem to refuse to honor rescuers of Jewish converts to Christian

Zionist mythology treats the Jewish victim of WW2 mass murders as a martyr or korban olah ("ascent offering" or Holocaust) whose death represented an offering for the creation of the State of Israel.

While the patriarch Isaac is the architypal korban olah, Jewish liturgy particularly emphasizes the example the Ten Martyrs (Aseret Harugei Malchut עשרת הרוגי מלכות) killed by the Roman Empire after it crushed the Bar Kokhba rebellion. Each of them resisted Rome to his last breath.

Under Jewish law and generally in the prejudice even of secular Jews, the Jewish convert to Christianity is hayav mitah ("liable to execution") or is meshumad (משומד, deserving extermination). In addition, many Jews view Christianity as the root of the German Nazi persecution of Jews.

According to such thinking Yad Vashem has no reason to honor those who protected ex-Jews during the Holocaust because so many Jews consider Christian converts either as practically equivalent to Nazi collaborators or as meriting annihilation.
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