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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Haaretz (הארץ):'Obama wants Mideast breakthrough within next two years'

Barak Ravid writes in 'Obama wants Mideast breakthrough within next two years':
U.S. President Barack Obama has given himself a two-year deadline to reach a breakthrough on a two-state solution for Israel and the Palestinians, The Sunday Times reported.

The administration has been firm in its declarations that it would pursue a two-state solution and Obama has vowed to "change the conversation" with the Muslim world in order to widen the diplomatic circle involved in the peace process.
[To read the entire article click here.]

According to my analysis of Zionist politics, two years should be more than enough time for Netanyahu’s friends in the USA to undermine Obama to the point where the two year deadline would become meaningless and where the pre-Obama status quo could be restablished.

Yet there are things that ordinary people like us can do to forestall such an outcome.

In Israel Steals Palestinian Heritage, History, Khaleej Times Op-Ed Columnist Karin Friedemann identifies a winnable legal battle against seriously misguided Zionist mythology and exclusivist claims.

Because the Dead Sea Scrolls are going on exhibition in Canada at the end of June, Palestinians and sympathizers can launch a lawsuit to return them to their rightful owner, the Palestinian people, whose Judaic ancestors created them.

The Scrolls help modern scholars to understand the conditions out of which Greek Orthodox and Syrian Christianity developed as well as from which proto-Islamic Jamesian Christian, Mishnaic, and other currents of Judaism evolved.

The Scrolls would be much better off in the hands of a legitimate custodian representing the ideologically non-exclusivist right, title, and interest of the Palestinian people than in serving the most intellectually dishonest sort of Zionist propaganda in the hands of the Israeli government that has wrongfully misappropriated them.

Anyone interested in helping to restore the Scrolls to Palestinian custody should send me an email at

Some Comments on the Above Videoclip

Obama really needs to explain how the continued existence of Israel advances the interests of the USA.

Would the USA be a stalwart ally of the State of Israel except for the machinations and subversion of racist Jewish Zionist Americans?

Why is it in US interests to make sure that Israel is safe and secure?

The State of Israel is a murderous racist genocidal Eastern European ethnocracy of the sort that was common during the WW1 WW2 inter bellum period.

If the USA is to remain true to its avowed anti-racist pro-Democracy pro-Human Rights principles, which are intended to characterize the international system that the USA is supposed to desire and to advocate, the USA must
  • discontinue the alliance with the State of Israel,
  • declare Israel to be a terrorist state,
  • start arresting Zionists for supporting Zionist terrorism, and
  • begin seizing Zionist assets under US anti-terrorism laws.
Not only would this policy improve US international relations, but

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