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Saturday, May 23, 2009

KABOBfest: 11 Types of People You Meet in Hookah Lounges

A few years ago I was doing some work in London and staying near Paddington Station. When I did not have much to do, I hung out in a nearby Hookah Lounge. Hanitzer's descriptions seem to apply fairly well to the London scene with some obvious substitutions of UK equivalents (E. European Hookah Preparer, MI5 Informant, British Afro-Caribbean, etc.) for:
  • The Kid From Dearborn,
  • The Latino Hookah Preparer,
  • The African American Who Likes Them Pillow, and
  • The FBI Informant.
Because of the latest effort of the FBI to scare-monger via entrapment of poor people with some psychological disorders, it is worthwhile to copy the last description in full to this blog entry.
5. The FBI Informant
He's the coolest, slickest guy in the lounge, the smoothest operator, and very outgoing. He's also an FBI informant who gets a nice check from the government for the intel he picks up from the cafe -- which is like none, except that he is great at telling the Feds what they want to hear. They think the "Oasis Hookah Palace" is the Tora Bora of Southern California.

He is commissioned to eavesdrop on all conversations and screen all patrons for possible threats, instead he just picks up names and details from the Hollywood terrorism flicks like 'The Siege,' 'Body of Lies' and 'Syriana.' He occasionally takes a picture of a few patrons with his cell phone as he pretends to be text messaging.

While the government's money is decent, he is doing it in exchange for a reduced sentence on a tax fraud scheme he was into with his cousin.

You'll know when you meet him because he'll add you as a friend on Facebook within minutes of meeting you.
Robert Verkaik, who is the Law Editor of the UK Independent, discusses MI5 tactics for recruiting informants in How MI5 blackmails British Muslims.

Louis Proyect summarizes the current level of US federal enforcement insanity in Dossier on FBI entrapment in “war on terror”.
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