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Thursday, May 21, 2009

New York "Terror Plot" Another Government Provocateured Set-Up

Officials seize upon arrests with glee to propagandize for the police state and justify targeting American citizens in war on terror

[To read more click here.]

I can't help wondering whether the arrest following so closely after Netanyahu's meeting with Obama might also connect with the Jewish Zionist Neocon push to scaremonger the USA into supporting or aiding an Israeli attack on Iran.

Matthew Levitt, who was indoctrinated in hate at Brookline's Maimonides Jewish Day School, wrote Hamas: Politics, Charity, and Terrorism in the Service of Jihad and played an important role in the Holy Land Foundation Trial, has hardly been the only Jewish Zionist Neocon mole operating within the FBI or elsewhere in the US government in order to subvert the American justice system.

Levitt has at times worked quite closely with Stuart Levey in the Treasury, with Rachel Ehrenfeld formerly in the DOD, and with Dennis Ross in the State Department. Ross even wrote the preface to Hamas: Politics, Charity, and Terrorism in the Service of Jihad.

Harvard Professor Sara Roy's review of Hamas became itself a cause célèbre.

The Yale University Press published Hamas and seems to have developed quite a record for publishing Jewish racist and Zionist propaganda. Sphere: Related Content