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Saturday, May 02, 2009

Zionists Lie About Israeli Torture

One cannot but marvel at the efforts of Jewish Zionists to use the media to create a false perception that Jewish morality is superior to that of the USA in the case of torture.

Serge Schmemann lies in the NY Times article When Israel Confronted and Rejected Torture.

Racist Jewish Zionists Martha Minow and Gabriella Blum using their podium as professors at the Harvard Law School made the same false claim in 2006 in a New York Times article The Israeli approach to detainee rights.

J.J. Goldberg recently published a more nuanced discussion in the Forward in an article entitled On Torture, Israel Is Symbol to Both Sides.

Even though Goldberg claims that Israel has largely been absent from the discussion of US torture, former US diplomat J. Brady Kiesling asserted both at Princeton and also later at Harvard that Jewish Zionists in the US government so desperately desire to view Israel as virtuous that they attempt to move heaven and earth in the effort to bring US practice of torture or application of the Fourth Geneva Convention in line with Israeli behavior.

On November 8, 2005, after providing the results of outside investigations, David Bloom comes to the following conclusion in the Counterpunch article entitled Setting the Record Straight: McCain, Israel and Torture:

The result [of rubber stamps from Israeli government supervisory organizations] is a total, hermetic, impenetrable and unconditional protection that envelops the GSS [General Security Services] system of torture, and enables it to continue undisturbed, with no supervision of scrutiny to speak of. The achievements of the HCJ [High Court of Justice] ruling of 1999, which was to have put an end to large-scale torture and ill-treatment, limiting it to lone cases of 'ticking bombs,' have worn thin. The 'defense of necessity' has also become no more than a veneer. From the research undertaken by the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel, it is clear that torture is carried out in an orderly and institutional fashion. We know that cases termed 'ticking bombs,' do not involve a lone interrogator improvising "in the face of an unforeseen event," as the High Court stipulated. Interrogators appeal to their superiors in an orderly fashion, receive approval in advance, and employ certain methods repeatedly, at least some of which (including the 'bending' method) require cooperation between a number of interrogators.

The 1999 HCJ ruling constituted a significant and bold step in the right direction, but the HCJ failed in not prohibiting torture and ill-treatment absolutely, and leaving intact the legal - and moral - concept, according to which a GSS interrogator is authorized to consider, albeit in extreme situations 'only', torture as a legal and legitimate ant legal option. The achievements of the ruling are wearing down due to those failures, due to the GSS' policy of torture, and due to the fact that the HCJ, the State Prosecutor's Office, and the Attorney General have, regarding this matter, transformed themselves from guardians and protectors of the law into sentries at the gates of GSS torture chambers.

After talking with senior Israeli government and military officials visiting Harvard and MIT, I have the impression that Israeli torture is not meant so much for extracting useful information as it is intended to break Palestinians and to turn them into collaborators.

The ongoing ADL push for laws against hate speech and for special penalties for hate crimes in combination with Dershowitzian arguments for torture and Judea Pearl's advocacy for treating anti-Zionism as more dangerous than anti-Semitism looks like an attempt to steal America from Americans by expelling thought critical of Zionism or opposed to it.

Because the American Nakba does not involve the physical expulsion of Americans, Zionists hope to achieve their goals almost totally under the radar.

Once full Zionist control is established, torture will be applied to occasional outbreaks of free thought.

Saving America from the Zionist control, corruption, and looting is only possible via stripping Zionists of all their assets and purging them completely from government, business, media and academia.

Patriotic monoloyal Americans have never faced a greater threat than the Zionists among us.
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