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Saturday, April 03, 2010

Walt Misunderstands Jewish Dual Loyalty

Harvard Professor Stephen Walt discusses "dual loyalty" and Jewish Zionists in It's not "dual loyalty," just a "conflict of interest".

Unfortunately he continues to cite Gabriel Sheffer's book Diaspora Politics.

This text is highly misleading and full of Zionist propaganda.

The ancient Judaic (and Hellenistic) Diasporas are irrelevant to understanding contemporary Jewish or (more precisely) ethnic Ashkenazi transnational politics.

( See Collision: Jewish-Zionist, Arab-Islamic Transnational Politics.)

Ethnic Ashkenazim are an indigenous population native to the territory of historical Poland. They have only mythological connection to Palestine.

Like ethnic Poles, Yiddish-speaking Jews became a transnational population with the divisions of Poland.

There was no ethnic Ashkenazi Diaspora of significance until the 1880s when ethnic Ashkenazim began emigrating to the West almost solely for economic reasons (despite common erroneous beliefs about anti-Semitism and pogroms, which are discussed rationally in Esau's Tears and which belong to Jewish anti-Gentile discourse).

During the nineteenth century Jews developed their own non-territorial national identity around the remnants of pre-modern Jewish trade networks and (corrupt or criminal) business practices, which were gradually becoming more and more unacceptable in modern economies.

(See Martillo's Three Hypotheses Plus One.)

Because the Jewish intelligentsia and plutocracy give much clearer political directives than God, Zionists serving the interests of the transnational Jewish people (as Dennis Ross does) differs significantly from the obligation of genuine believers to serve God.

Stephen Walt's attempt to equate Jewish Zionist dual loyalty to a mere conflict of interest misses a fundamental point. When a judge owns stock in a company involved in a lawsuit that he is adjudicating, he has a conflict between the law and his own personal interest, but a Jewish Zionist in a position of power in the US government must by the logic of Zionism subordinate the national interest of the USA in addition to his own personal interest to the collective transcendental interest of the Jewish nation. It is not a conflict of interest but the normal behavior of deep penetration and sleeper agents.

Jewish Zionists should never hold decision making power or positions of responsibility in the US government. Those like Dennis Ross, who already are in government service, must be purged as subversives.

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