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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Goldman Sachs: Long, Short Cons

I looked at the story below back in December (Against Whom Did Paulson Bet?). It stank then and still stinks.

Reading through the reports suggests not only a short con on Goldman Sachs investors, but also a long con on the US government and the American public. 

There is a Zionism connection because the principals disproportionately Jewish and belong to major Jewish Zionist networks of trust on Wall Street. In the past such corrupt Jewish Zionist social networks could expect a pass because they crossed the government private sector boundary into the regulatory and law enforcement agencies. 

Even though Obama
Jewish Zionist Wallstreeters may have lost some of their Jewish safety net because the administration has also brought a lot of people from outside the Jewish social networks into critical middle and lower level bureaucratic positions.

Global News,Goldman Sachs Group Inc. was charged with fraud by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission over its marketing of a subprime mortgage product, igniting a battle between Wall Street's most powerful bank and the nation's top securities regulator.

[Note that a good part of the long con was directed at the British in addition to the American government: [1122] The Truth About Volcanic Ash Clouds and the London Fraud Wave.]

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