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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Shock "Therapy" Naomi Klein Missed

In her book entitled The Shock Doctrine, The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, Naomi Klein failed to address the effect of the 1973-4 Oil Embargo on Wall Street as well as on the WASP and Jewish elites of the USA.

The Oil  Crisis changed both general American and Jewish politics in the USA by tremendously reducing the wealth of the WASP and New York German Jewish elites while rising American Jews of E. European Ashkenazi background (the "Yids") saw an opportunity to rake in money, power, and status by doing deals with petrodollar investments.

The gold analyst James Sinclair (Seligman -- he seems to have ambiguous feelings about his Jewish heritage) has talked about the displacement of his stratum -- he uses the term "Our Crowd") within the Jewish community from all the major "Jewish" investment banks. (Listen to Jim Sinclair's Feb. 15, 2010 Interview.)

Phil Weiss has discussed the displacement of the WASP elite on his blog Mondoweiss but has not addressed the simultaneous displacement of the New York German American Jewish elite.

Zionist and non-Zionist historians have tended to treat the 1967 war as the turning point in ME politics and US foreign policy, but from the standpoint of political economics and cash flows, the world changed in 1973 even if the transformation was not generally perceived until at least a decade later.

My timeline for world Zionization can be found at Judonia, Balfour Declaration and Afterward

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