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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Jewish Zionist Conspiracy at Columbia

The racist Jewish Zionist conspiracy against Arab and Muslim academics is once again attacking Joe Massad at Columbia University. 

Massad did his part in the struggle against Zionist thought control by throwing Hertz out of a lecture because he was spying for CAMERA.  

Now it is out duty to give racist Jewish Zionist scumbag and CAMERA agent Daniel Hertz a piece of our mind with appropriately scornful comments on the Columbia Spectator article entitled Intimidation 101.

Here is a sample of Hertz's hasbarah dreck: 
After attending a few lectures [of “Palestinian and Israeli Politics and Society,” taught by Joseph Massad], I was still unsure as to whether I wanted to register and remain in the class. While Massad’s reputation had preceded him for the most part, his statements were often tainted with a hue of partiality, making me, and several other students, extremely uncomfortable. With a skillfully crafted curriculum and required reading list filled to the brim with anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic sentiment, Massad had no intention of teaching history—he planned on rewriting it.

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