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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Covering for Zionism, Inspiring Judeophobia

While the videoclip below is cute, it provides yet another example of a Jew, who albeit neither a member of the Zionist intelligentsia nor a member of the Zionist political economic oligarchy provides cover for massive wrongdoing in the USA and throughout the world by sarcastically equating any discussion of Jewish Zionist conspiracy with the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

At one time such behavior might have been part of getting ahead in the Jewish-Zionist dominated music industry, but the big labels as less important today.

Nowadays this behavior probably results from the rather twisted Jewish educational system that developed in E. Europe and that has become even more perverted since Zionists began co-opting Jewish institutions throughout the world.

Among other things today's Jewish education makes it practically impossible for Jews to realize that they evoke increasing hostility when they babble about the Protocols in the face of open Jewish Zionist conspiracies

Most contemporary Jews are neither Zionist intellectuals nor Zionist plutocrats, but the statistics indicate that 80% of self-identifying Jews reflexively support the criminal genocidal terrorist State of Israel and automatically equate any criticism of the Zionist intelligentsia and plutocracy with anti-Semitism.

Nothing could be more reasonable and ethically obligatory today than animosity toward the overwhelming internal Jewish majority that shamelessly participates in Jewish Zionist social networks and that refrains from categorical condemnation either of the State of Israel or of the Zionist concept of the Jewish people.

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