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Sunday, April 18, 2010

NY Times Correction (?) = Zionist Propaganda:

CAMERA and Jewish Zionist facilitators with the NY Times staff have been busy bees.


A picture caption on Thursday with the continuation of a news analysis article about a shift in the Obama administration’s Middle East policy referred incorrectly to Ramat Shlomo, the name of a Jewish housing development that Israel says it is expanding despite objections by the United States and the Palestinian Authority. It is a neighborhood in East Jerusalem, not a settlement in the West Bank. (Go to Article)

While there is some justification for considering UN/Mandatory defined Jerusalem separate from the West Bank, Ramat Shlomo is on West Bank land that the Israeli government annexed to E. Jerusalem. It is definitely an illegal settlement, but to be precise one could call it a West Bank settlement located within the Israeli defined borders of Jerusalem.
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