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Monday, May 12, 2008

Mukasey Obstructs Justice?

Jews and the American Justice System
Liberal White Boy covers a possible conspiracy to obstruct justice of the sort discussed in Judonia Rising.

Monday, May 12, 2008

The AIPAC Espionage Trial...Manatt, Phelps, Phillips, AIPAC and a Stink Of Impropriety

The Cabal's Plot To Obstruct Justice Thickens
Just when you thought the Zionist Lobby/Cabal couldn't get any more treacherous, guess what? Several weeks ago Mukasey Prepares DOJ's Exit Strategy From AIPAC Espionage Trial Prosecution was posted by yours truly right here at the homosapien underground. This post was picked up by bloggers though out the Internet including What Really Happened. In it I stated that with the appointment of Zionist Robert Mukasey as Attorney General the Government would likely drop it's espionage case before the annual AIPAC treason-fest in Chicago on June 2, 2008 (a top Cabal priority according to my AIPAC member friends). Even though the case continues to hobble along near death in Federal hospice, unless my sources at DOJ (Druggies of Jamaica) are wrong, it will not be by June 2. I will update you Wednesday about the recent developments and hearing dates in the case, because the MSM cabal will not. Some of the developments are interesting. But for now, here is another twist. Recall in my last post I had written:

The latest Zionist attempt however to take the wind out of our Vichy Governments prosecution sail, is to eliminate the lead government prosecutor, Assistant US Attorney Kevin DiGregory for Virginia's Eastern District. Mr. DiGregory was offered employment and a bag of cash with Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP, a national law and consulting firm.
(To read the complete article, click here.)

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