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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Fight Judonia: Now or Never!

In response to Not Just an Ordinary Lobby, Anonymous posted such a classic Zionist comment that I had to give my reply its own blog entry.

The paper Judonia Rising Complete argues that the Zionist virtual colonial motherland (Judonia) has created its own empire into which the USA is integrated as a dependent and intimidated client state.

Anonymous concedes that a genuinely open discussion means all possibilities should be on the table and accepts that proposing the dismantlement of the State of Israel might create movement toward a genuine compromise, but there is a more immediate reason to abolish the State of Israel, for it is the keystone of a system that has enabled a tiny Zionist intelligentsia to manipulate the USA
  • into incinerating Iraq,
  • into permitting Israel to cluster bomb Lebanon,
  • into thwarting probably the last chance to put Somalia back together,
  • into interfering with Sudan, and
  • into threatening Iran.
I never said anywhere in my blog that I dislike Jews, but a reader could reasonably conclude that I am getting tired of the behavior of far too many American Jews that use a 60 year old victomology to distract from ongoing Zionist crimes, and I am becoming very angry at the organized Jewish community (OJC) and at the Israel Lobby because these latter two groups through a pattern of criminal and civil violations have created a political economic situation that is a threat to all Americans.

Anonymous resorts to standard Zionist propaganda when he calls Palestinians their own worst enemy.

In a nutshell, a bunch of murderous, racist, genocidal Central and Eastern European thieves, interlopers and invaders stole Palestine and genocided the native population, and the rest of the world is supposed to look the other way because the criminals were Jewish.  The Palestinians were always the good guys while the Zionist colonists were and remain completely vile in actions and beliefs.

In fact, the behavior of E. European ethnic Ashkenazim in Palestine was consistent with a pattern of Yiddish violence, extremism and fanaticism in Eastern Europe and the Czarist Empire throughout the nineteenth century and twentieth century. 

The three defining political murders of the modern Russia (Czar Alexander II, Pyotr Stolypin, Czar Nicholas II + family) and hence of the modern world were ordered, planned and carried out by Jews. 

After the October Revolution far too many ethnic Ashkenazim exuberantly took part in mass murder, ethnic cleansing, and genocide in the Soviet Union long before mass murders of Jews began during World War II.

[See The Pattern of Ethnic Ashkenazi Genocidalism: The Jewish Century by Yuri Slezkine.]

While American, British, Russian, German, and French imperialism have all been very bad, the imperialism of the Zionist virtual colonial motherland (Judonia), which only benefits 400-500 hyperwealthy American Zionists, is particularly evil and hurts the vast majority of American Jews just as it harms the rest of the human race. Yet, Zionist intelligentsia and OJC staff need only say the magic word "anti-Semitism," and American Jews against their own interests spring to the defense of the likes of Sheldon Adelson, the Krafts, the Bronfmans, the Shustermans, Belfer, Wexner, Haim Saban, and Lev Leviev.

Is it any wonder that anger against American Jews is increasing throughout the world?

Removing Israel from the equation is the only way to stop this pathological behavior.

-----Original Message-----
From: Anonymous
To: Joachim Martillo <>
Sent: Mon, 5 May 2008 1:28 pm
Subject: Re: Fight Judonia: Now or Never!

thanks for the heads up.  as someone who cares a lot about social justice, the situation in palestine is extremely troubling.  i definitely agree that american imperialism has given israel too free a rein, and allowed her not to have to come to a settlement.

when you talk about the dismantling of israel (i use that term instead of the emotionally charged destruction, because i think emotions need to be taken out of the discussion,) the one thing i will give you is that by expanding the discussion to include that possibility on one side (the other side being, of course, the indefinite continuation of the interment of the palestinian people,) there may be a chance to find actual middle ground which would include more for the palestinian people than just gaza and the west bank.

i think you need to be cognizant of how your emotional attachment to this issue is clouding your judgment.  on the one hand you say your views are not fueled by anti-semitism, but go on to say that you don't like jews.  that's a pretty big inconsistency. 

since you don't feel a need for political correctness (and i support this freedom of expression,) i will respond in turn that there is no question that the palestinian people are their own worst enemies.  in the entire history of p.r., there has been no one as absurdly bad at this than the palestinians!  every time they gain the moral high-ground from some illegal israeli act, they turn around and blow up some school children.  regardless of the arguments of struggle, this is just plain the worst p.r. in history, and speaks greatly toward the current plight.

the point being, as long as anger fuels the interaction, there will never be a settlement, and again and again the palestinians will play into the hands of the israelis. 

personally, i think you are confusing the problems of british, german, soviet, american (etc.) imperialsim and the disregard for human rights and international law by these empires, essentially a problem of fear, greed and un-moderated capitalism, with a very small part of the puzzle. 

the focus on the injustices that have plagued humanity from the beginning of civilization as a "jewish problem" has not only disturbing historical ramification, but is clear scapegoating.

the tail can't wag the dog- despite the attractiveness of this metaphor, it is a physical impossibility. 

we need to look at educating the american people, so they don't blindly facilitate every kind of human rights outrages indiscriminately around the world, not blaming jews.

i do appreciate your openness and willingness to engage in discourse, clearly you have done a lot of research.  i hope to convince you of the sagacity of a moderate approach. 

On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 9:35 AM, Joachim Martillo <> wrote:
Joachim Martillo has sent you a link to a blog:

Hi, Here is the last blog entry that I made on the Israel Lobby and its effect on American Society. Best, Joachim Martillo

Blog: Ethnic Ashkenazim Against Zionist Israel
Post: Fight Judonia: Now or Never!

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Anonymous said...

" ...Zionist virtual colonial motherland (Judonia), which only benefits 400-500 hyperwealthy American Zionists, is particularly evil and hurts the vast majority of American Jews... "

Are you losing your nerve? " only benefits 400-500". Pull the other one! It benefits most jews, which is why the vast majority of jews support it. The 4-500 are the tip of a pyramid of communal effort and conspiracy. Your own 'Judonia rising' is one of the best expositions of the multi-layered conspiracy. Do all these lobbyists, think-tank members, media and academic hacks and stooges, not receive rewards for their services. Is their not reward for loyalty to the tribe? From their pinacle of wealth and influence, the 4-500, through bribery and intimidation, nurture a myriad of professionals, academics, politicians, and business people, who will find professional ( or other) advancement eased by their patrons. Take, for instance, the world of science (one not usually looked at): I read something recently about the jewish over-representation here, which is why it springs to mind. Jews, apparently, make up 25% of scientists ( or top scientists), never mind Nobel winners. It was pointed out that this is 100 times greater than would be expected in terms of their percentage of the world's population. Of course, that's an exaggeration; most of them will be in America or Europe... the rest's obvious, so I won't spell it out. At any rate, they are hugely over-represented. Why? Are they vastly cleverer than the rest of us? If so, we should wipe them out before they enslave us. But no! There are no great genetic differences between the jews and anyone else, that could account for this. Is it their historical fondness for books and learning, that naturally leads them into intellectual fields? The trouble with this is that the jews actually do NOT have any history of intellectual effort, only Talmudic mysticism - the revering of gobbledegook. And this seems to be where they still find their niche. But can there be room for this in science? Well, since Einstein and Bohr(not withstanding the worthwhile in their contributions), the scientific world has been rotten through with some totally unscientific notions, notably that cause and effect are not entirely indispensible( google Wallace Thornhill, or Donald Scott's 'the Electric Sky'). Is it possible that a function of this gobbledegook, due to the removal of objectivity, is that it covers up for the advancement of some for the wrong reasons? A science that rejects cause and effect (i.e. science), an art-world that rejects art, a classical musical world that reveres the unlistenable and unlistened to, a literary world that reveres the unreadable - what do all these have in common?
That's just one quick musing on the matter. The pyramid has a wide base.

Anonymous said...

"Are you losing your nerve? " only benefits 400-500". Pull the other one! It benefits most jews, which is why the vast majority of jews support it. The 4-500 are the tip of a pyramid of communal effort and conspiracy."

I wonder what Kevin MacDonald would say about this.

Joachim Martillo said...

I probably should have included the benefit to approximately 5-10,000 Zionist intellectuals that would probably be jobless without the Zionist Virtual Colonial Motherland to provide them with jobs.

As for the approximately 150,000 employees of the organized Jewish community or of the Israel Lobby, they probably would have been able to find other jobs.

Ordinary Jews not connected with the Zionist Virtual Colonial Motherland may benefit in some ways from the existence of the State of Israel, but they probably suffer at least as much negative blowback from the hatred that Zionism and the State of Israel evokes.

Anonymous said...

What I was driving at was that Zionism resembles a lottery. A very small group of people win millions of euros. A larger group of people win thousands. But a very big group of people win ten or twenty euros, just enough to keep them hooked. And a huge group of people win five euros, just a little taste, to make them think they have a chance.

Of course, lotteries are not good for most ticket buyers.

So my point is *most* Jews who get involved with Zionism are like the lottery ticket buyers who put in value but don't get any payoff but dreams.

Joachim Martillo said...

I discuss a related idea in Scamming Americans Robbing Palestinians. If the system can be described as a some sort of evil lottery, it is not particularly fair among Jews, for Russian immigrants to Israel are not even allowed to play.

Of course, even if the lottery were fair among Jews, it would not be any less evil.

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