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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Neocon Damage to Somalia

Several correspondents have expressed surprise when I referred to a Neocon-incited disaster in Somalia.

Black Agenda Report has provided a summary of the situation in Somalia: Hidden Catastrophe, Hidden Agenda.

The article mentions Macalester Professor Abdi Samatar, whom I met at Wellesley in 2003 when he spoke about the situation in Somalia.

Samatar's talk attracted a Zionist group, which was simultaneously trying to show humanitarian concern for Somalis and also attempting to use collapse of government in Somalia to prove that Israel had no choice but to control Palestinians with brutality.

I told a pro-Israel gal that it was completely hypocritical to
  • support Zionist genocide,
  • pretend to care about Somalis, and
  • feign surprise at the anger of Palestinians on account of the theft of their country by a bunch of murderous racists from Central and Eastern Europe.
She broke out crying and in response Professor Samatar along with a Wellesley professor tried to calm the student down. The Wellesley professor told me that I had to introduce Jewish students to the facts of life more gently.

[Note that by involving Ethiopia in Somalia the USA seems also to have done harm to the Ethiopian political system. Neocons acting as a Jewish special interest group can turn practically anything they touch into mud.]
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Geronimo Jones said...

That's great work. Bust the chops of these Zionists good. Facts of life? More gently? They should all be strapped to an anvil and clobbered with a sledgehammer. Okay. They can have a aspirin afterwards. That's gentle. Because I'm a humanitarian.

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