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Sunday, August 24, 2008

(Not) Spotlighting McCain's Senior Moments

Shabbesgoyism or Patriotism
by Joachim Martillo (
Within approximately the last two weeks New York Times columnist David Brooks has asked whether Barack Obama comes from the right sort of family to qualify him to become the President of the United States. Then Joe Lieberman, who is more of a Senator from Israel than from Connecticut, felt qualified to assert that McCain has always put America first while Obama has not. And just a few days ago McCain had yet another senior moment. (Earlier McCain senior moments include a bizarre attack on Obama's Berlin speech  and general confusion about Iraq.) Yet the pundits are barely commenting.
About two years ago in a NY Observer column, Phil Weiss criticized Brooks for using coded language when he wrote about Jewish issues. Brooks's practice also shared by Lieberman is particularly irritating when parsing out the real meaning is so easy. Do Jews like Brooks and Lieberman really believe non-Jews are so stupid?
The issue of family, patriotism, and possible senile dementia are all related.
When Brooks says family, he probably means lineage or yichus. Historically, there has been a tendency among especially German Jews and Eastern European ethnic Ashkenazim to overlook differences among non-Jews and to see only an amorphous mass of blood-thirsty Jew-haters.*

By serving Jews by performing tasks that are according to religious law (Halakhah, הלכה) forbidden to Jews on the Sabbath, the small class of shabbesgoyim might achieve a certain amount of affection from Jewish employers.

McCain in the minds of people like Brooks has probably achieved the status of Shabbesgoy and even has yichus (lineage) as Shabbesgoy because his father helped cover up the USS Liberty Affair.

I discuss McCain's status in Money Jews, Brain Jews, Politics and in Followup: Obama vs. Israel Lobby. The latter article makes it clear that for Jews like Lieberman the highest form of patriotism is shabbesgoyism, i.e., groveling and swearing fealty to Israel.

If there is any doubt whose interests Lieberman would serve if he had to choose between Israel and the US, the Forward has answered that question. See What Would Abraham Cahan Think?

Zionist Jewish oligarchs, who dominate US media, must be drooling at the prospect of a McCain presidency. As the perfect Shabbesgoy, he slavishly follows the Kagan Kristol Neocon line on foreign policy. If McCain chose Lieberman as his running mate, McCain would probably receive an infusion of political contributions from Jewish plutocrats like Adelson, Saban or the Krafts of Massachusetts.

Selecting Lieberman would lay a trap for Obama because Jewish facilitators and gate-keepers in media would use the slightest hint from any Obama campaign official that Lieberman might care more about Israel than about the USA to hammer away at Obama with accusations of anti-Semitism and unfitness for office right until the November election.

Not only do the same facilitators and gate-keepers keep mum on McCain's signs of dementia, but they probably even hope for incapacitating Alzheimer's disease as long as McCain chooses the right running mate, who would become president under Amendment XXV [Presidential Succession (1967)] to the United States Constitution. If the VP in such a situation were Lieberman, he could complete the final takeover of the USA by Judonia.


* There may be an exception to the principle that non-Jews constitute a single amorphous mass of blood-thirsty Jew-haters.

When I was working in Monsey in the late 80s and early 90s, I noticed a color preference with regard to servants and shabbesgoyim. Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, they were mostly Haitian, but afterwards, the Haitians were fired and replaced with Slavs (mostly Poles) -- I suppose in order to create a more הײמיש ‬(heymish) feeling of E. European Yiddishkeyt.

In other words, for a certain Yiddish class, שוואַרצעס (niggers) whether Haitian maids or Harvard-trained lawyers like Senator Obama are simply too déclassé to recruit as shabbesgoyim if whites are available.

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Joachim Martillo said...

If I had posted this blog entry a little later, I would have mentioned that Bill Kristol is pushing for Joe Lieberman as a running mate for McCain.

Many years ago Bill Kristol was the TF for my section in a Harvard government course. After listening for a while, I remember thinking it was good he was only a Harvard College TF because he would be really dangerous if he ever had power or influence.

Anonymous said...

News Alert : Men over 90 are less likely to develop Alzheimers disease

U.S. researchers have announced findings that suggest that men over 90 years of age are much less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. 911 people aged over 90 participated in the study and found that 28% of the men and 45% of the women were currently suffering from a form of dementia. The study also showed that dementia rates in men remained constant as men moved through their 90's whereas women's dementia rates noticeably increased as they age.

Another explanation for these findings includes the fact that women may live longer after receiving a dementia diagnosis than men. Statistically, women live longer than men even when in the best of health. That said, there are few men in the population who live to 90 years old which may account for the results of the study. More studies will need to be done to determine the risk factors for dementia, but also to find new treatments and eventually, a cure for this crippling disease.

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Joachim Martillo said...

in Say it Ain't Jew, Joe Marty Kaplan is beginning to show the first glimmer of realization that the new Islamophobia is being cast in the model of traditional Judeophobia very often by Jewish leaders and intellectuals.

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