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Thursday, August 20, 2009

[Foreign Policy Journal] ‘Fatwa’ to Rig Iran’s Election

Hammand's hypothesis of a pre-planned effort to prejudice the discourse about the Iranian election is hardly implausible. After all Daniel Pipes and friends have been working on framing the discussion of East-West conflict to the benefit of Zionism since the early 1980s at least: Collision: Jewish-Zionist, Arab-Islamic Transnational Politics.

The Case of the ‘Fatwa’ to Rig Iran’s Election

July 21, 2009
by Jeremy R. Hammond


The propaganda campaign to paint the victory of the incumbent candidate in Iran’s June presidential election as having been a stolen one began early. Even before the election, the seed was being planted that the election would be stolen to give President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a win. This narrative played nicely into the hands of the reformist opposition candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi, who cried foul following the favorable results for the incumbent. But what evidence is there to support this narrative?

[To read the entire article, click here.]

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