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Monday, August 17, 2009

Zionist Thought Police at Alert

I commented on the Toronto National Post article entitled Downtown bistro hit with controversy over Dead Sea Scroll boycott:

barad11 is shoveling the usual Zionist disinformatsia.

I just posted my latest blog entry on the subject of ROM and the Dead Sea Scroll’s. The article is entitled Erasing Palestinian and Jewish History.

It links to Ali Mustafa’s analysis of the 1956 Hague Convention,

  1. which Zionists conveniently ignore,
  2. to which Canada has bound itself, and
  3. which certainly applies to the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Israeli Zionists and modern Jews in general have no legitimate claim whatsoever to the Dead Sea Scrolls, which are the cultural product of the ancestors of native Palestinian population.

In Stolen and Occupied Palestine, Zionists are racist, murderous, genocidal invaders, interlopers, thieves, and usurpers, who deserve the scorn and hatred of the entire human race.

The message appeared within minutes of submission.

Someone visited EAAZI from the comment:
Winnipeg, Manitoba arrived from on "Ethnic Ashkenazim Against Zionist Israel: Erasing Palestinian and Jewish History".
Within minutes all traces of my message were expunged from the National Post website. Sphere: Related Content