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Thursday, August 20, 2009

[wvns] Familiar Enemies

In reality not only do Palestinians and Jewish Zionists know very little about each other, but Jewish Zionists are continually lying to themselves and to everyone else about Jewish history and goals in their never ending struggle to obtain support for Zionist genocidalism.

Baker would do much better to think about the relatively simple ways to bring out the scorn and hatred that practically everyone on the planet secretly feels for Zionists than to ponder a future where Jewish Zionists and Palestinians could be good neighbors.

Familiar Enemies
Joharah Baker
17 August 2009
Common Ground News Service

Israelis and Palestinians will undoubtedly go down in history as one of the world's most bitter archenemies. To the world, the word "Palestinian" is automatically associated with "Israeli" and vice versa. However, a crazy thing has occurred as a result of both this hostility and of the fact that the two peoples live in such close geographic proximity. In many ways, we know each other better than anyone else.

This thought occurred to me the other day in a taxicab coming back from a west Jerusalem shopping mall. The taxi driver was Jewish Israeli but spoke Arabic (albeit with a heavy Hebrew accent) almost perfectly. When he heard me speaking both English and Arabic to my children, the driver asked me a question I often get: "Where are you from?" Feeling a bit mischievous, I decided to give an answer I knew would pique his attention. "From Palestine. Where else?" I answered.

He was slick, I have to give him that. Barely missing a beat, he said, "Where from Palestine?"

"Jerusalem, I am from Jerusalem," I answered. I felt a tiny bit of satisfaction as the words left my mouth. Saying I am from Jerusalem, Palestine to an Israeli Jew always boosts my sense of pride like nothing else.

My taxi driver turned out to be polite and didn't try to "correct" me by saying that Jerusalem was Israel. Only an Israeli would understand that I, as a Palestinian, was making a strong political statement by saying I was from Jerusalem, Palestine, especially since I was speaking to an Israeli.

As the small talk continued, another quirky exchange occurred. "Where did you learn your Arabic from?" I asked. "The army," he said, probably trying to provoke a response just like I had a moment earlier. "I speak with the same accent as you."

"Really? You must have served in the occupied territories and learned your Arabic from those you occupied," I answered, wanting to push the envelope just a bit. He smirked, shook his head and said nothing.

These kinds of exchanges between Palestinians and Israelis are surreal. In any other atmosphere, I would never find myself talking casually to an ex-Israeli army soldier. Moreover, if he was in military garb in my West Bank village I would view him in one light only – my occupier. But being in a taxicab on my way back to east Jerusalem, we were customer and driver and there was room to make sly innuendos that only an Israeli would understand.

Such anecdotes illustrate the highly entangled relationship between Israelis and Palestinians. First and foremost, we are "enemies", the oppressed and the oppressor, occupied and occupier. All other expressions of the relationship are overshadowed by this fact. But we are enemies whose paths intersect and overlap to the point that we know how to "push each other's buttons".

In public international forums, Palestinians and Israelis can sit at the same table, eating hummus Arabic-style by scooping it up with a bite-sized piece of bread. But once the familiar gesture turns into a conversation, they butt heads because Israelis claim hummus as their own food (disregarding the fact that not only Palestinians but Jordanians, Lebanese, Syrians and pretty much all Arabs have been eating the food for centuries, way before Israel was even created).

If peace ever does prevail, Palestinians and Israelis will have no problem getting acquainted. Once the Palestinians are settled in an independent, sovereign Palestine and the occupied/occupier relationship is put to rest forever, the familiarity between the two peoples will come in handy when the neighbours need to settle normal affairs between states.

Saying I am from Jerusalem, Palestine will become a mere stated fact rather than a political statement said to an adversary.

But we have a long way to go before then. Right now, conversations like the one I had with the taxi driver will remain just that. A seemingly light exchange with tense political undertones between people on opposites sides of a bitter divide.

Joharah Baker is a writer for the Media and Information Programme at the Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH). She can be contacted at This article is distributed by the Common Ground News Service (CGNews) with permission from MIFTAH.

Source: Miftah, 06 August 2009
Copyright permission is granted for publication.

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