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Thursday, August 20, 2009

[Vancouver Sun] Do Muslims seek to dominate the West? And could they do it?

Why does author Douglas Todd below come to a conclusion so different from that of Jewish-Zionist promoted clowns like Fouad Ajami and Christopher Caldwell.

Ajami cites Caldwell but fails to point out the complete vacuousness of the observation:
It hadn’t taken long for Islam to make its new claim on Europe. Caldwell’s numbers give away the problem: “In the middle of the 20th century,” he tells us, “there were virtually no Muslims in Western Europe.” Now there are more than 15 million, including 5 million in France, 4 million in Germany and 2 million in Britain.
If the middle of the twentieth century means 1945-1955, Ajami should have qualified that at the time period in question Algeria was an integral part of France and not a colony while the UK already had a tremendous number of Muslim citizens as well as a Muslim presence going back 100 years. It would also have been worth mentioning that in order to punish Germany and Austria for WWI, the victors deprived the two Central European empires of their Eastern territories, which historically had included Polish Tatar and Slavic Balkan Muslims.

Muslims are simply not as alien to Europe as Jewish racists and their stooges want Americans to believe. Moreover, Muslims and Christians simply are not so different that they would have tremendous difficulty in getting along if it were not for constant Jewish-Zionist anti-Muslim incitement.

Nothing frightens Zionists more than the possibility of Christian-Muslim cohabitation and dialogue because Muslims have proven resistant to Zionist manipulation and control on ME-related issues and Zionism.

As the Muslim population of the USA increases, a rational public discussion of Zionism and Jewish subversion becomes a looming threat to American Zionists and to the organized Jewish community.

Until Ajami and Caldwell address the real subtext of anti-Muslim incitement in the West, they simply are beyond the pale of serious discourse or scholarship but will, of course, continue to appear in the Zionism-drenched pages of the NY Times.

In contrast Todd provides rational analysis of the issue of Muslims in Europe and N. America simply because he separates the issue of Muslim integration from the underlying Zionist subtext in which Ajami and Caldwell are so thoroughly enmeshed.

Do Muslims seek to dominate the West? And could they do it?

While there is plenty of fear out there, actual numbers tell a different tale

It is a frightening vision of future Europe, the logic of which Canadians would be wise to monitor.

It goes like this: The population of Europe will be 40-per-cent Muslim by 2020.

Due to high immigration and birthrates, the forewarning declares, Muslims from the Middle East and Africa will soon dominate much, if not all, of European politics, education and the courts.

Some prophets warn Muslims in Europe will impose shariah law on everyone -- banning homosexual relationships, forcing all women to wear headscarves and allowing men (not women) to be polygamous. The continent might as well become known as "Eurasia."

It's a disturbing vision.

Is there anything to it?

[To read the entire article, click here.]

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