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Thursday, December 04, 2008

Leviev’s Financial Collapse Puts Chabad on the Ropes

The alliance of the upper mercantile class (i.e. hyperwealthy Zionist political economic oligarchs in today's terms) with the rabbinic scholarly class (nowadays the class of professional Jews, to wit, bureaucrats of the organized Jewish community and Israel Advocacy organizations) is historically typical of Jewish communal organization especially in the E. Europe of the past.

Likewise the crash in the funding of Chabad Jewish outreach because of Lev Leviev's financial problems and also the associated possible effects on Zionist projects (as Richard Silverstein discusses) have analogues in the effects of earlier financial crashes.

Such dependency of the Rabbinic class on the wealthy has historically threatened Jewish religious and communal integrity in ways unseen in Roman Catholicism, whose church is independently wealthy and whose clergy has been officially prohibited from marrying and raising families since the twelfth century.

Jews have even developed mythologies to justify plutocratic domination of Judaism with legends of wealthy leaders, who have selflessly intervened with gentile authorities to protect the community. Such stories almost invariably never stand up to historical research but have made it easier for Zionist intelligentsia to mobilize other Jews in efforts that benefit primarily the intelligentsia and the hyperwealthy while ordinary Jews catch the bullets because of the hatred that Zionism creates.

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