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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Roy Belmont on Bernie Madoff

I am always impressed how effectively Roy Belmont penetrates to the heart of an issue.

Here is his comment on Philip Weiss's blog entry entitled The banality of Madoff:

"The biggest issue with Madoff is to determine who were the beneficiaries.
So, who benefited? "

Who are the beneficiaries?
Who is benefiting?
50 billion dollar Madoff is now the face of the 8 trillion dollar bailout.
A bailout that in the great silence outside the chattering chauvinist-run media was becoming steadily more fixed on "the Jews".
The anti-Semitism consequent to that blame was increasing dangerously.
To the point it would have been impossible to throw a beard like Christian Science Paulson under the bus.
So Madoff, whose scammy-jammy chicanery needs to be multiplied 1400 times to stand next to the real money transfer, becomes the scapegoat, the man everyone now carries to blame.
1400 - one thousand and four hundred - Bernie Madoffs can fit inside the bailout and still have room to breathe.
But now he's who did it.
Yes, it was a Jew, but we got him!
And he was ripping off other Jews!
A complex situation!

An additional benefit is that the drying up of Jewish philanthropy, caused by Madoff's larceny and deception - more accurately the diversion of those funds - can be seen as and blamed on the victimization of charitable but naively innocent wealthy Jews, who can now no longer afford to give away their money.

I tried to make a similar point in Every Israel Advocate a Madoff, but Belmont's summary is so much more pithy, and as the article Nineteenth Century Madoff: Bethel Strousberg indicates, the Jewish community appears to have similarly tried to use Strousberg as a means of forestalling scrutiny of other often more important and more culpable corrupt Jewish financiers and social networks. Sphere: Related Content