[The cartoon comes from the Israel Hizbullah War but applies equally to Gaza.]

This website and the associated organization of the same name have the mission of providing Jews and non-Jews with the intellectual tools to stand up to Zionist intimidation and manipulation.
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Ofra Haza: Jewish Arab Tragedy
I want to tell you about John Paulson.His flagship fund, Paulson Advantage Fund, was down over 40% as...
April 08, 2012 14:14:34 Jump to
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Jessica Stern's Real Psychopathic Denial
I am not sure the question is meaningful because Jewish Zionist subversives have been working very hard...
May 23, 2011 14:15:27 Jump to
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Zionist Parable: Yosef Mokir Shabbat
Yes - you are right. Beaten senseless is a good analogy.
Old Jews are beating Palestinians senseless....
April 05, 2011 11:13:28 Jump to
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Collision: Jewish-Zionist, Arab-Islamic Transnational Politics
This blog is like The Onion or April Fool's Day all the time. Well done you're efforts will...
March 25, 2011 01:45:09 Jump to
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Zionist Film: Exodus - Terrorism is Good
This is the Zionist terrorism
There is no state called Israel. State of thieves called Israel a basis...
January 20, 2011 13:39:05 Jump to
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Jessica Stern's Real Psychopathic Denial
Question in regards to US foreign policy:
It seems to me that you put a lot of emphasis on "Jewish...
October 12, 2010 17:46:36 Jump to
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[Ali Abunimah] וְזִרְמַ֥ת סוּסִ֖ים זִרְמָתָֽם
Do you give permission to Arabs to rape Jewish girl for nothing?
I wasn't any of "consensual...
October 04, 2010 13:21:55 Jump to
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[Muslim Girl] President Obama Supports Manhattan Mosque
So what? who cares?
October 04, 2010 13:16:16 Jump to
"al Qaeda has killed more Muslims than people of any other religion"
"al Qaeda"...
September 30, 2010 18:38:49 Jump to
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KABOBfest: It is Just to Boycott Shahar Peer
Zionists not only they'are liars, they stole our country, and ORGANS FROM PALESTINIANS INCLUDING...
August 19, 2010 17:41:08 Jump to
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As soon as I found a link to this jaw dropping The Top 12 Reasons To Burn A Quran On 9/11 editorial I...
August 11, 2010 12:21:45 Jump to
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[wvns] Pornographic Past Vs Murderous Present
I am as afraid as you are and I do not know how to wake up people for what is coming next. As you said,...
August 07, 2010 16:56:23 Jump to
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kenny's sideshow: Garry Trudeau 'Maligns Judaism' Says ADL
Trudeau's strip is incorrect, and Foxman's reply is incomplete. The temple money changers were...
August 04, 2010 20:39:42 Jump to
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Are you aware of this? "Government ordered shutdown of 73,000 wordpress blogs" One of those...
July 22, 2010 04:04:55 Jump to
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wow! I wish you and the USA which I am so dearly fond of all the warmest and best wishes for the good...
July 20, 2010 21:32:39 Jump to
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[Tikun Olam] J Street Pimps Noa’s U.S. Concert Tour, Israeli Performer Who Supported Gaza War,
The radio host is oblivious to the manipulation of the USA by an extremely powerful Jewish Zionist p...
July 19, 2010 10:52:38 Jump to
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Elena Kagan & Jewish Social Networks
I have never seen evidence that Kagan applied for Israeli citizenship.
Yet her attitudes toward Israel...
July 17, 2010 09:47:41 Jump to
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Fighting Islamophobic Political Prosecutions
You are correct that there is a typo. I meant to say the following:
In some sense Muslims...
July 17, 2010 06:22:27 Jump to
Are you sure this is what you wanted to say:
"n some sense Muslims are fortunate that Zionist...
July 17, 2010 02:28:46 Jump to
Comments by IntenseDebate
Blaming Jews for Financial Meltdown (57 comments)
Khaleej Times: Israel Steals Palestinian Heritage, History (25 comments)
Zionist Indoctrination: Boston Grammar Schools (24 comments)
Insert Zionist Phallus, Achieve Orgasm (23 comments)
Patterns of Boston Jewish Power (22 comments)
Nazi-Zionist Friendship Commemorative Medal (21 comments)
Martillo on Iranian PressTV (20 comments)
Ofra Haza: Jewish Arab Tragedy (18 comments)
Comments by IntenseDebate