Chris Berel made a comment that is a typical example of the primary Zionist Big Lie or fraud, which I discuss in Every Israel Advocate a Madoff.
The phrase "nattering nabobs" gives support to my hypothesis that Berel is a Jewish retiree, who lives in Ft. Lauderdale and whose thought processes long ago fossilized.
The owner of the lennybruce website commented on the Ain al Hilweh thread:
Thank you for your touching personal account. I didn't know that was the area your family came from. I was in the area between Tyre and Sidon in 1982 with the IDF although not in Mieh-Mieh or Ain al Hilweh. I know Leila knows my story but it remains nonetheless relevant, especially as we find ourselves stuck deeper than ever in this endless cycle of violence. I know there are many people like myself on 'both sides' who have sworn off war and violence as the path to any solution because we have futilely experienced and perpetrated war and violence in seeking a solution. The link is to my story that I wrote in 2006 as Lebanon 2 raged but as I said, it resonates no less strong today.I read through this commenter's blog entry entited Victims in the Promised Land.
I posted a comment on lennybruce here:
The site owner replied here:To believe that the State of Israel is the legimate home of ethnic Ashkenazi invaders, interlopers and thieves is part of a delusional mindset that will continue to enable Zionist genocidalism.
Your open letter expresses the sort of nonsensical primordialism and essentialism that characterized German Nazism.
You may have gotten past victimhood feelings of the sort German Nazis used to market German Nazism to the German public, but you are still highly enmeshed in ethnic Ashkenazi Nazi thinking.
I provide a different way to look at Zionist and modern Jewish history in Judonia Rising: The Israel Lobby and American Society, Part 2: “The History of Israel without the Distraction of Israeli History”.
[Update 2/7/2009 -- The owner later informed readers via this blog entry's comments below that he did not delete my comment and that his website software caused the disappearance.]
Here it is.
Obviously you have read the primary literature neither of Zionism nor of German Nazism.The owner of lennybruce is a very typical Zionist Jewish bigot faking magnanimity. He is just a more subtle form of the usual racist Zionist trolls like Berel, Suzanne, Julian and Witty that attempt to poison Mondoweiss and other high-traffic Zionist critical websites. All anti-Zionists should be aware and wary of the sort of stealth Jewish Zionist racist that creates sites like lennybruce.
It is impossible not to identify Herzl's colleague Max Nordau as an important source of both Zionist and also of German Nazi eugenic theory. (See `Do not have children if they won't be healthy!'.)
The belief that Jews uniquely of all peoples could not be Nazis is one of the primary forms of Jewish racism.
In fact, ethnic Ashkenazim constitute historically one of the most racist and violent populations in E. Europe.
The 18th century Hassidic Tanya anticipates much of later European racist thinking. From the 1840s-1850s ethnic Ashkenazim go on a rampage of sabotage, radical violence, and targeted assassinations. This rampage culminates in the assassination of Czar Alexander II.
The rampage does not stop there but even increases after the inevitable reaction, which was quite mild by Russian Imperial standards.
The three defining assassinations of of modern Russian history were planned or carried out by Jews. The victims were Czar Alexander II, Pyotr Stolypin, and Czar Nicholas II. As is often the case with Zionist target assassinations, the whole immediate family of Czar Nicholas II was killed.
By the 1930s Soviet Ashkenazim were up to their eyeballs in mass murder, ethnic cleansing, and genocide.
I discuss the similarity of Soviet Ashkenazi and Zionist Ashkenazi genocidalism in The Pattern of Ethnic Ashkenazi Genocidalism: The Jewish Century by Yuri Slezkine.
You can find a discussion of the key ideological elements that German Nazism and ethnic Ashkenazi Nazism share in Jewish Nazism in Public Schools. The blog entry discusses the effort of an hyperwealthy Zionist political economic oligarch to bring Zionist (ethnic Ashkenazi Nazi) indoctrination to the NY public schools.
Jews invariably expect Germans to acknowledge and show remorse for the anti-Jewish crimes that have arisen from German politics.
It is total hypocrisy for Jews not to acknowledge and show remorse for the anti-gentile crimes that have arisen from Jewish politics.
Because Zionized Jews as a group invariably fail to meet minimal standards of human decency, it is highly important to reiterate whenever possible and needful that Zionism is unequivocally ethnic Ashkenazi Nazism and that the Zionist population of Stolen and Occupied Palestine is composed of racist, murderous, genocidal invaders, interlopers, and thieves.
[Update: 2/7/2009 -- The site owner complained that I failed to include a hyperlink to his discussion of the Lebanon invasion. Here it is: How I learned to hate war and love country music - my spiritual journey in Lebanon. To tell the truth, I did not notice the link because I usually use my comment signature to point to my website and not to a specific article. I am not as impressed by this entry as he appears to wish readers to be, for he is exactly the analogue of the true-believing German Nazi Wehrmacht soldier, who suddenly had a revelation that the invasion of Poland and the Soviet Union was wrong yet does not realize that German Nazism was evil from the get-go.
Not only have I found in reading the lennybruce website no evidence of understanding of the number and immensity of the atrocities that I have grown out of Jewish politics since the 1850s, but the owner still seems to be enmeshed in Jewish racism and in fantasies of Jewish ethical superiority to non-Jews.]
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