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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tired of Jewish Dhimmi Babble

In practically every serious web discussion about Islam, some Jewish Zionist invariably pops up to babble incoherently about dhimmis. There is a reply to this sort of nonsense in the comments on a blog entry entitled Islamo-Christianity is Here.

Here is the exchange.

  1. Islam is a trashy religion for sociopaths. Only very sick people would willingly follow Islam.

    Comment by No Dhimmi — February 24, 2009 @ 4:48 am

  2. Racist Jewish Zionists trying to incite Islamophobia always babble that they stand up to Islam by rejecting the status of a dhimmi.

    Dhimmis are non-Muslims that become integrated into Islamic society. In theory Islamic law (Sharia) limits full participation of non-Muslims in Islamic society just as Canon law (Catholic law) and Jewish law (Halakhah) restrict the rights of non-Christians or non-Jews integrated respectively into Catholic or Jewish communities.

    In practice Muslim governments tended to apply Sharia restrictions with the qualification that only God truly knows who is [truly] Muslim and who is not.

    In terms of religious practice and belief Islam differs little from Orthodox Judaism with two qualifications:

    1. Muslims recognize Jesus as Messiah and do not defame him as the Talmud does and

    2. Sharia is far less annoying than Halakhah is.

    Zionist Jews are the real sociopaths, for they believe Jews have the right to plunder and kill non-Jews with impunity as Zionists have been doing in Palestine on a small scale since the 1890s and on a large scale since 1947. No one more closely satisfies the definition of a sociopath than a Jewish Zionist.

    For the record the Ottoman Empire, which was the most highly developed sharia state on the planet, conferred equal citizenship on non-Muslims in the middle of the 19th century well before most European Christian states gave non-Christians equal citizenship.

    Muslims have no reason for shame, but Jewish Zionists are at best contemptible.

    Comment by Goyisher Kop — February 24, 2009 @ 9:58 pm

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