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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Decent Muslims versus Evil Jews

International [Jewish Zionist Shyster] Law
by Joachim Martillo (

On February 10 H.D.S. Greenway published an exceptionally dishonest op-ed column entitled The rise of extremism in London - The Boston Globe. He wrote:
There has been a big spike in anti-Semitic incidents here in recent weeks, and by no means all of it by Muslims. A senior official involved with community relations told me that anti-Semitic events had increased five-fold since the Gaza war began. Jonathan Freedland, columnist for The Guardian, wrote last week that just as "progressive voices insisted that Muslims were not to be branded as guilty by association, just because the killers of 9/11 and 7/7 had been Muslims," so should it now be made clear that Jews in general should not be held responsible for Israel's behavior in Gaza. "There has been no chorus of liberal voices insisting that no matter how intense their fury, people must not take out that anger on Britain's Jewish community," Freedland wrote.
The situations of Muslims after 9/11 or 7/11 and of Jews after the Zionist rampage in Gaza are not comparable.

No statistic of Muslims anywhere showed significant Muslim support for either attack. Yet the ADL published ADL Survey Shows American Jews Overwhelmingly Supported Israel's Gaza Action on its website.

This article reports:

• Asked whether Israel's response to Hamas rockets was appropriate or excessive, probably the major theme that has appeared in international critiques of Israel, 79% said it was appropriate, 17% excessive (graph). By denomination breakdown: Orthodox - 88%, appropriate, Conservative - 80%, Reform - 80% and non-practicing - 71%

• When asked about Israel's right to self-defense versus the need to win the "hearts and minds" of the Arab world, 79% said that Israel's responsibility to protect its citizens takes precedence (graph).

The American Jewish community is dominated by evil Jewish Nazis, who support the slaughter of women and children.

The UK Jewish community is probably even more Nazi.

By the standards generally pushed by Jewish intellectuals since WW2, decent people have a categorical imperative to hate Jews failing to reject the Jewish community and refusing to condemn the State of Israel unequivocally.

Despite Zionist propaganda asserting Israel's general responsibility or obligation to protect its citizens, international law confers no such duties and even restricts the use of such assertions as disproof of allegations of committing crimes against humanity.

[Note that Israel has never made efforts, whether lawful or not, to protect its non-Jewish citizens.]

Under Nuremberg Law, which the USA helped create, not only does Israel lack the right of self-defense in the face of resistance acts by the occupied or ethnically cleansed Palestinian refugee population, but Israel's anti-Palestinian violence actually compounds Israeli crimes.

Jewish Zionists in academia and in the government have desperately been trying to reinterpret post-Nuremberg International Law to render irreversible the Zionist theft and ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

This sort of intended or practical shyster lawyering has characterized the Zionist program since the first Zionist Conference at Basel.

Because Zionist manipulation of International Law would be far more obvious to lay observers if Zionism were properly identified as ethnic Ashkenazi Nazism and as the exact equivalent of German Nazism with the obvious ethnic substitutions, Jewish Zionists invariably freak out at the correct conclusion that Israel is a Nazi state and try to equate this patently obvious observation with the most vicious sort of anti-Semitism.

In fact, not only is it dishonest to deny Israel's Nazi nature, but it is also racist, for characterizing one ethnic group as incapable of developing its own form of Nazism is simply a belief in that group's racial superiority in politics and ethics.

It is almost needless to say that the vast majority of Jews do have such a racist belief, and nowadays except for tiny groups of dissenters Judaism is no longer a genuine religion dedicated to serving God but consists of a combination of ethnic narcissism, Holocaust obsession, and worship of the State of Israel.
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