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Monday, February 16, 2009

False Analogy: Zionism versus Apartheid

Phil Weiss frequently analogizes Zionism and Apartheid as he does in his blog entry entitled How long did it take for Hampshire College to bring down apartheid the last time?

Yet the South Africa apartheid analogy does not work because Zionism nowadays forms a complete imperial system, in which the USA is a dependent and intimidated client state as I discuss in Fight Judonia: Now or Never!

Thanks to corrupt Jewish social networking, Zionism is like a hydra. You cut off one head like Harvard's former President Larry Summers and it grows back elsewhere.

Summers is now back in the USA government once again mismanaging economic policy under Obama just as he mismanaged Harvard University and just as he mismanaged US economic policy under Clinton.

If decent Jews really committed to anti-racism, democratic principles, and human rights want to fight Zionism, Jewish racism, and Jewish fanaticism, they have to start going after the Zionist political economic oligarchy and intelligentsia, which are running a seditious conspiracy far more dangerous to the USA and the world than Jewish communist subversion ever was.

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