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Monday, May 18, 2009

Haaretz Confirms: Two Separate Holocausts

The Holocaust didn't happen as or why Zionists claim.

Haaretz reporter Cnaan Liphshiz has published an article entitled French priest interviews Hitler's willing executioners in Ukraine . confirming my more than 10 year old analysis that there were two separate Holocausts as I most recently mentioned in my blog entry Jewish Peril: 1933 Versus 2009.

The Haaretz article does not discuss why E. European and Soviet populations wanted to kill Jews so badly for reasons completely unconnected to the German Nazis or Hitler.

If my analysis is too difficult for an ethically challenged Zionists and non-Jews deeply enmeshed in Zionist Holocaust hasbarah to follow, the short YNET article entitled Stalin's Jews along with my earlier blog entry The Pattern of Ethnic Ashkenazi Genocidalism: The Jewish Century by Yuri Slezkine.

Doesn't the disconnect between the facts and the Holocaust narrative with which we are inundated in the USA suggest that all those Holocaust Institutes throughout the USA are packaging trash as scholarship?

Shouldn't that worthless piece of garbage called the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, for which Americans are spending at least $60 million per year, be knocked down, turned over to Palestinians, or put under my leadership so that I could transform it into something useful?
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